The TV series The Handmaid’s Tale is a story that left-wing daddies and mommies tell their kids around a campfire in order to scare them.
The Hulu series attracts boffo viewership because it’s how liberal women actually see evangelicals — oppressive, fanatical, anti-woman chauvinists. To even suggest that such a dystopian society could exist is ludicrous.
MSNBC host Tiffany Cross thinks that because Supreme Court Justice Amy Coney Barrett refused to strike down Texas’s new abortion law, she’s an “actual handmaid.” A mother, an advocate, and a fierce abortion foe, Justice Barrett is hardly the ideal woman to exist in Margaret Atwood’s dystopian Gilead.
“We have an actual handmaid on the court,” Cross said on “The Cross Connection.”
“I’m not so excited about depending on them to protect me and my right to choose,” she said.
“It’s unacceptable, I am outraged … This entire thing about protecting the fetus when they care so little for life in this country is beyond comprehension,” she continued, suggesting that the law indicated “they really must hate women in Texas and all across the country. How is it possible the Supreme Court allowed this to stand?”
Cross suggested the Supreme Court could actually rule on the Texas law “later.”
The high court rejected the attempt to block the abortion bill from being implemented for the simple legal reason that those who brought suit to stop it didn’t have the legal standing to do so. The court said nothing about the bill’s constitutionality. The argument was to decide whether the law should go into effect while the issue was being litigated.
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The Supreme Court ruled 5-4 that the law should go into effect while litigation continues.
Cross said even though President Biden has asked the Justice Department to assess “the legality of the new restrictive abortion law,” the legislation is still “a huge blow to Roe V. Wade,” as she noted that Democratic leaders are trying “codify” abortion “protections into federal law.”
“But no surprise, other states are already working to use the law as a blueprint for copycat measures, and Texas lawmakers have advanced yet another restrictive bill limiting access to abortion medication,” Cross contended.
The Supreme Court is very likely to strike down the provision that Texas pro-life lawmakers put in to get around the equal protection requirement of the law. By empowering private citizens and groups to sue abortion providers, the legislators did, indeed, avoid the most obvious legal pitfall. But most legal experts believe there isn’t much chance the law will stand for long.
“The court has rewarded the state’s effort to delay federal review of a plainly unconstitutional statute, enacted in disregard of the court’s precedents, through procedural entanglements of the state’s own creation,” Justice Sotomayor wrote. “The court should not be so content to ignore its constitutional obligations to protect not only the rights of women, but also the sanctity of its precedents and of the rule of law.”
Texas legislators should get an “A” for effort. But they’re likely to flunk the final test.
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