San Francisco Mayor Admits Past Affair With Subject of FBI Corruption Probe

(Image via Twitter)

The Trump administration is currently at war with far-left cities like San Francisco and Seattle over their leftist sanctuary policies, among other things. So handing your enemy a potent weapon to bash you over the head is probably not the best strategy.


San Francisco’s Mayor London Breed has admitted to having a 20-year relationship with a former city worker currently under investigation by the FBI for corruption. She has also admitted accepting a $5,000 loan from her lover last year that she just hasn’t quite gotten around to paying back — yet.

Fox News:

“I write this in the spirit of transparency because in the wake of a scandal at City Hall, I think San Franciscans are entitled to hear directly from their Mayor,” Breed wrote in a post on Medium of her association with former San Francisco public works director Mohammed Nuru, who was indicted for public corruption last month.

At a news conference, Breed explained she wrote the post because there were “a number of rumors” swirling and she wanted San Franciscans to hear about the relationship directly from her, the Bay Area’s FOX 2 reported.

Note that when a politician starts talking about a desire for “transparency,” they really mean “misdirection.” Clearing up “rumors” is just another way of talking about “damage control” with the media.

Breed wrote she was profoundly shocked and disappointed when she heard about the charges against Nuru.

“To be clear,” she wrote. “I never asked Mohammed Nuru to do anything improper, and he never asked me to do anything improper.”


A $5,000 gift from a lover indicted for corruption. Yeah, the optics are pretty bad on that. But Breed insists the disclosure was not required “but she did it out of transparency.” What she’s not being very “transparent” about is that not only is she the highest-paid mayor in the land, but that she’s driven around by one of San Francisco’s finest in a public vehicle. What does she need a $5,600 loan to fix her car for?

See? It’s legal. And that makes it OK.

Some of her allies are less than impressed.

“Mayor Breed’s admission of thousands of dollars in unreported gifts from a subordinate is likely illegal, certainly unethical, and part of a culture of casual corruption that is eroding the faith of the public,” Mar said in a statement. “Given the seriousness of this admission, the direct connection to the central figure in the FBI’s investigation into public corruption, I believe we need to put the people of San Francisco first. I believe Mayor Breed should do the right thing and temporarily step back from her duties until a full, independent investigation can be completed.”


Well, that will happen…never. If Breed were to take that advice, she’d be finished. Best to keep stonewalling and continuing with the “transparency” route, and then dare the prosecutors to find some evidence.

“I will not apologize for dating someone two decades ago. I will not apologize for remaining close friends with him and his family for 20 more years. But neither will I make excuses for any misdeeds.”

Breed will no doubt survive. She is shielded from the worst of the scandal by a friendly press and a culture that takes care of its own.

Still, it would be nice to see her twist in the wind for a while before moving on.


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