Michael Moore Promises to 'End Trump Carnage'

Michael Moore participates in the "We Stand United: New York Rally to Protect Shared Values" on Thursday, Jan.19, 2017, in New York. (Photo by Greg Allen/Invision/AP)

If liberals are wondering how it is that their leaders and ideas have been rejected by the American people, all they need do is listen to the speech by Michael Moore, given at the Women’s March on Washington on Saturday.


Moore told the assembled mass of activists that Donald Trump did not “take power” yesterday, as a Washington Post headline suggested. “Here’s the power! Here’s the majority of America right here,” Moore said.

He had some advice on how to “end the Trump carnage” that proved why the left will be wandering in the wilderness for a very, very long time.

Daily Caller:

Moore proposed a series of steps that people should take in order to push back against the new administration.

He asked the gathering crowds to call their congressman every single day. “Every day!” he stressed, informing them of a number they can call to find out the number of their congressman.

Second, Moore implored people to join groups. “Join Planned Parenthood, join the ACLU, join NARAL!” he exclaimed. Moore admitted that while he supports Planned Parenthood, he has never actually been a member.

“Number three, you need to form your own personal, rapid response team. All it takes is five to 10 people, that you will call or text when we have to move fast,” he explained.

“Number five, we have to take over the Democratic Party,” he said, seeming to completely miss his fourth step. “God bless the Democrats who fought with us, who’ve done so many good things, it’s no knock on them, but you were coaching the women’s basketball team twice in 16 years, my friends…”

“We’ve won, and then lost. We have let this happen twice now in 16 years where we win the White House, but they walk through the door,” Moore said, ignoring the electoral college system currently in place.

“I’m sorry, but the old guard of the Democratic Party has to go,” he continued.”We need young leadership, we need minorities, we need gays and lesbians and transgenders!”

He voiced his support for Rep. Keith Ellison for Democratic National Committee chair, saying that he is “a great organizer and the only Muslim member of congress.”

He implored those in blue states to form a “resistance,” and used Roe v. Wade to explain his idea of what he meant by regions of resistance.

“Roe v Wade didn’t happen in a vacuum,” he said. “Because abortion was legal in those two states [New York and California], they helped create a new normal.”

“The next thing that you have to do, is run for office! Yes! You!” Moore said.


You almost feel sorry for them. Making a black Muslim the face of the Democratic Party not because he is the best spokesman or even the best “organizer” but because he’s “the only Muslim member of Congress” is truly a pathetic appeal to identity politics in the aftermath of an election where the American people rejected such politics.

Does he really think annoying members of Congress by calling them “every single day” is going to do anything except force the staff to hang up on the caller?

The same goes for joining a far-left organization. To belong to a group with zero influence with Republicans on Capitol Hill won’t even change a diaper, much less the country.

It’s obvious Moore never read Rules for Radicals, which lays out a blueprint for activists. Instead, he seems to have adopted a junior high school political manual on how to run for class president.

If the Democratic Party places its fate in the hands of ignoramuses like Moore, they deserve whatever they get.


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