Allen West Launches Personal Website

Allen West has launched a new website in association with the Liberty Alliance. According to LA,

…will help expand the reach of his conservative message, provide a rich resource of facts and perspective, and serve as a hub for the growing number of endeavors in which West is involved including an upcoming book, The Allen West Foundation, The Allen West Guardian Fund, speaking engagements and his media presence on Fox News, Washington Times Communities and other outlets.


West is clear about the mission:

“To return our nation to its constitutional principles, to change the direction our nation is heading and restore our American exceptionalism, we must ensure our conservative voices are not attacked and gagged by the liberal media,” said Col. West, “With this website we are proud to join those who will not be silenced.”

The Liberty Alliance is a network of more than 40 web sites “dedicated to advancing Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness.” The company’s members and strategic partners generate more than a million page views per day.


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