Giving New Meaning to the Term 'Black Friday'

A Planned Parenthood clinic in southern Florida has given new meaning to the term “Black Friday” by offering $10 off a visit to the abortion center yesterday.



A Planned Parenthood abortion clinic in souther Florida is offering a black Friday discount — including $10 off a visit to the abortion center today.

Planned Parenthood of South Florida and the Treasure Coast offered the special, saying, “Visit our West Palm Beach or Kendall Health Center for special after Thanksgiving savings on Friday, November 23rd.”

Pro-life blogger Jill Stanek noticed the Black Friday discount and responded, “Planned Parenthood brings new meaning to the term, “Black Friday,” doesn’t it?”

This is the same abortion business where the chair of the national Democratic party headlined a small rally last year.

Congresswoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz was named by pro-abortion President Barack Obama recently to take over as the head of the Democratic Party. At the time of her appointment to the position, Planned Parenthood president Cecile Richards praised Wasserman Schultz as a “heroine” for her extensive abortion advocacy. The appointment made it clear Obama would not run from his lengthy pro-abortion record.


Even if you are pro-choice, the inappropriateness and tastelessness of such a “discount” has to disturb you. And if anything, it should renew calls for defunding the organization. If PP wants to act like a commercial concern by taking part in Black Friday “sales,” it doesn’t need federal money to prop it up. It can survive on its own in the marketplace by retailing abortion and other health-related services just like any other business.


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