The AP says:
The nearly month-long standoff in the Wisconsin Legislature over explosive union rights legislation rocketed toward a dramatic finish Thursday after Senate Republicans outmaneuvered their missing Democratic counterparts and pushed through the bill.
The dramatic turn of events late Wednesday set up a perfunctory vote Thursday morning in the Assembly on the measure that would strip nearly all collective bargaining rights from most public workers. Once the bill passes the Assembly, it heads to Republican Gov. Scott Walker for his signature.
The Milwaukee-Wisconsin Journal Sentinel says that protesters have surged past security to reoccupy the capitol. And Ann Althouse has photos showing that law enforcement is simply letting them.
Glenn Reynolds writes: “Remember when ObamaCare passed, and Tea Partiers went nuts, stormed the hill, took over the building and handcuffed themselves inside? Yeah, me neither, because the Tea Partiers are civilized and didn’t do any of that. Wisconsin’s leftist union thugs, not so much.” — of course that didn’t happen. But that was then, this is now.
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Wisconsin may be one of those hinges of fate. And what transpires next — well that’s anybody’s guess. It’s an interesting time to to be alive. Whether anyone is prepared for it or not the message is both clear and ambiguous: “greetings, Starfighter! You have been recruited by the Star League to defend the Frontier against Xur and the Ko-dan armada.” What to do next, that’s the problem.
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