The Democrats Are Playing Three-Card Monte Again

ZioDave, CC BY-SA 2.0, via Wikimedia Commons

Three-Card Monte is a con game played on the streets of every major city in the world. The hustler guides the mark to watch one card while he is actually moving another card and ultimately scams the mark for his money.


Without using cards, the Democratic Party is trying again to play this game with Jews, Christians, and everyone who supports Israel and recognizes the evil of Iran and its proxies.

The mainstream media has made a point of repeating over and over that yesterday, the Biden administration made a deal to provide $18 billion in weaponry to Israel. This proves, they said, that the U.S. is dedicated to supporting Israel and maintaining peace in the Middle East.  

“See”, they said, “it doesn’t matter how Kamala Harris is pandering to Arab terrorists at every opportunity. It doesn’t matter that the Harris campaign is doing everything it can to win the Michigan vote by courting pro-Hamas extremists like Rashida Tlaib. Ignore everything else you’ve seen, and see how we’re providing 18 billion dollars of weapons to Israel.”  

And most people hearing that news immediately believed that the U.S. and the Democratic Party are again committed to Israel.

Why the media blitz about this declaration? Simple: it was directed to two specific groups of voters that the Harris campaign seeks. Through this press release, the campaign was saying, “Listen up all you Jews, Evangelical Christians, and all pro-Israel voters: this shows the Democratic Party is the party for Israel. Vote for us!”


The announcement was a flagrant attempt to get pro-Israel voters aligned with the Democrats, and it is working. Pro-Israel voters heard or saw the press release and rejoiced that the U.S. and Democratic Party are back on the pro-Israel train.  

The problem is that despite what most media have reported, including traditionally conservative media, the press statement is empty fluff. A lot of words and names of weapons are in this DoD document, but there is no actual substance.

Press Release - Israel 24-01 CN by PJ Media on Scribd

The first sentence of the document says it all. There is no commitment to selling (not giving) weapons to Israel. The document says that "The Secretary Of State has approved a possible Foreign Ministry Sale to the Government of Israel." Translation: the U.S. might sell weapons to Israel. It is by no means, however, a commitment in any way, just a statement of a future possibility to be used as a publicity stunt. Moreover, it is a “sale," which means that terms can be negotiated, but that Israel needs to come up with that massive amount of money, not as a loan, but as full payment.

The last line of the document is equally telling. We all know that Israel needs weapons now to withstand the multi-front assaults of her enemies. But what does this document say? "Deliveries are estimated to begin in 2029." Israel's survival is threatened right now, and the Secretary Of State is saying that "it is possible" that Israel might be able to purchase weapons in five years. 


Using 2029 as a target date gives both the next administration and the one after it the opportunity to change the “possible sale” as well as the timeline. This document is just a flim-flam attempt to seduce pro-Israel voters to the Democratic Party and is nothing to rejoice about. And it is moot.

Israel has already committed to building weapons in Israel, and the production facility is supposed to be delivering weapons for the IDF in two years. So not only is the DoD statement meaningless in content, but it will also be useless for the Israelis by the time it comes into effect.

But this press release is already extremely useful for the Democrats. Realizing that their hard anti-Israel platform is a problem for the Harris campaign, the Democrats need something to show pro-Israel voters. So this official statement that sounds so terrific was released. Media outlets, including normally conservative reporters, didn’t read the actual full statement and gushed over the “commitment” of $18 billion in weapons sales to Israel.

This is yet another reason to become a VIP member of PJ Media, where we actually look at what is being said as opposed to all the media outlets that simply take things at face value.


The hard push from the Democrats to portray themselves as pro-Israel while actually supporting the Arab terrorists is nothing but a game of Three-Card Monte. They seek to guide our attention and beliefs in one direction while they actually work in the opposite.

Let’s make sure that none of us fall for this con game, and remember what the Democratic Party really is: a party committed to secularism over religiosity, Hamas over Israel, and Marxism over freedom.


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