Why We MUST Fully Support Netanyahu

AP Photo/Jacquelyn Martin, pool

Prime Minister Netanyahu responded today to the Hamas proposal for a cease-fire. To be clear, Hamas demanded the following in exchange for releasing the hostages over a four-and-a-half-month period:

  • Israel would withdraw entirely from Gaza
  • Israel would release 1,500 terrorists from its prisons over that time
  • Gaza would self-determine government (meaning Hamas or Palestinian Authority)
  • 500 trucks of daily "aid" would be let into Gaza

 In his speech, which was broadcast in Israel on Wednesday night, Netanyahu responded with a resounding "NO." He said that victory is within reach, that Hamas must be entirely defeated for Israel and the region to be safe, and that military pressure is the only way to get the hostages released.

The world, and especially the United States, has already started to condemn Netanyahu and put even more pressure on him to take this proposal from Hamas, Qatar, Egypt, and the United States. Secretary of State Blinken has told Netanyahu that he will "think about the thousands of children who were killed in Gaza" for the rest of his life. Family members of hostages who are desperate for anything that might bring their loved one home are being trotted out by world media so that they can cry and say that we should trade anything to get their family members released (the same thing any of us would do if, God forbid, we had a loved one kidnapped). 

The Palestinian Authority is pushing Biden and Blinken to formally recognize a Palestinian state. Blinken is already approaching other members of the Israeli Parliament and offering them U.S. support if they try to remove Netanyahu from office. And although the vast majority of Israeli and IDF soldiers want to "finish the mission," the world media is portraying Israel as if it is divided, as if it wants Netanyahu removed and peace with Hamas. These are blatant lies, and I encourage everyone to read this piece by Jonathan Tobin, Editor in Chief of Jewish News Syndicate, which gives a lot of detail about what is actually happening. 


Many people do not agree with Netanyahu and the war cabinet. Many people don't like Bibi personally. Some so dislike him that they will disagree with anything he says automatically, a variation of Trump Derangement Syndrome that we could call Bibi Derangement Syndrome (BDS). But Israel, Jews, Christians, and all people who treasure Western culture are in a fight for our very survival against enemies who have openly and proudly said and demonstrated that they want every Jew and Christian dead, and the destruction of Western Civilization in favor of an Islamic theocracy.

So it doesn't matter how any of us feel about Netanyahu. Right now, in this crucial moment, we must all support Israel's decision to reject Hamas' proposal entirely. For the sake of our lives, the lives of our children, and the perpetuation of Western values, we must fully support Israel's right to fight this enemy on behalf of all of us. We must let those in Washington on BOTH sides of the aisle know that we support Israel and her decision to reject Hamas and their attempts to re-arm themselves and repeat the horrors and depravities of Oct. 7.

Related: The U.S. Proposes an Israel Peace Plan to Destroy Israel

The immediate reaction of the Biden administration to Netanyahu’s speech says volumes. The Biden campaign has already sent a large team today to Michigan to placate the Muslim communities there, as Michigan is a vital state for Biden in the upcoming election. As people of faith, we must make it clear to Biden, Trump, Schumer, McConnell, and every politician in every race that our votes are tied to each candidate's support of Israel making its own decisions. While Trump has repeatedly said and demonstrated as president that he fully supports Israel, Biden has shown his concern today to be greater for the Muslim-American community than for the survival of Western culture. 


It is the obligation of every person who doesn’t want Sharia law to show these politicians that if they want our votes and financial support, they MUST stand with us in supporting Israel's decision to finish the mission of defeating Hamas. Republican, Democrat, or Independent; Jew, Christian, or Atheist; every lover of freedom must now, in this moment, stand united with Israel.

We all need to act before it is too late. In this election year, we must make sure that every candidate for every office supports Israel and her need to destroy Hamas. Local offices are just as important as national offices. It is local officials who can determine whether to prosecute the rioters violently demonstrating against Israel on college campuses and suburban streets. Local school boards determine whether a revised history is taught that champions “palestine” (though there has never actually been such a thing as the nation of Palestine) and calls Israel and the United States “colonizers,” or children will learn the real history of the region. Local officials can also determine if cities boycott Israel and Israeli businesses or support the only country devoted to liberty in the Middle East.

Israel is the front line in this war on the West, and we must all ensure that every American official supports her — for the sake of America and the entire world.


Am Yisrael Chai is a Hebrew phrase that means “the people of Israel live.” The people of Israel are not just Jews, but every person of faith, and every human being who believes in the values of freedom, liberty, and ethics. A popular musical version of "Am Yisrael Chai" has become successful over the last months in Israel and worldwide. Some of the lyrics need to stay in our consciousness and dictate our actions in these difficult times:

Am Yisrael Chai, the people of Israel will live
If we don't forget to always be united
The people of Israel will live
Because the Eternal Nation never fears
And none of us are ever alone
The Holy One, Blessed is He, watches over us; He protects us
Because we have no other land
Am Yisrael Chai

Please support Israel in every way you can, and I implore you to reach out to all politicians, especially your local candidates, and let them know that if they want your support, they must support Israel fully. Now.

They must because we have no other land, and without that support, this battle against the evil of Hamas and those like them could, God forbid, fail.

Am Yisrael Chai — the people of Israel and all people devoted to freedom will live. Now is the time not just for faith, but for action.


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