span style=”font-style:italic;”New York Times/span: a href=”””When good parents plant bad seeds”/a (hat tip: a href=””Had enough therapy? blog/a):br /br /blockquoteFor years, mental health professionals were trained to see children as mere products of their environment who were intrinsically good until influenced otherwise; where there is chronic bad behavior, there must be a bad parent behind /br /But while I do not mean to let bad parents off the hook — sadly, there are all too many of them, from malignant to merely apathetic — the fact remains that perfectly decent parents can produce toxic children……br /br /For better or worse, parents have limited power to influence their children. That is why they should not be so fast to take all the blame — or credit — for everything that their children become. /blockquotebr /br /If you are a parent with a “toxic child,” I recommend reading Joshua Coleman’s book, a href=”″span style=”font-style:italic;”When Parents Hurt: Compassionate Strategies When You and Your Grown Child Don’t Get Along./span/aimg src=”″ width=”1″ height=”1″ border=”0″ alt=”” style=”border:none !important; margin:0px !important;” /
Toxic children?
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