Podcast with Mitt Romney

Here at the Glenn and Helen Show, we are hoping to bring to our listeners personal interviews with as many of the potential 2008 Presidential candidates we can beg, uh, I mean invite to come on. So we were delighted when Governor Romney agreed to a “get acquainted” interview with us to talk about his views on national security, the second amemendment, healthcare and what makes him different from the other presidential candidates as well as the Mormon issue. br /br /He also addresses a a href=”http://hotair.com/archives/2007/01/10/video-impassioned-articulate-case-for-abortion-made-by-mitt-romney/”controversial video /athat was recently put up on YouTube indicating that the Presidential hopeful is a “flip-flopping” liberal–hear his side of the story in the podcast. You can also read more about Governor Romney at his website a href=”http://www.mittromney.com/”MittRomney.com/a.br /br /You can listen to the show directly (no downloads needed) by a href=”http://politicscentral.com/2007/01/10/the_glenn_and_helen_show_mitt.php”going here/a and clicking on the gray Flash player. You can download the show by a href=”http://richmedia.pjmedia.com/audio/politicscentral/glenn_helen_show/20070110-Romney.mp3″clicking right here, /aand you can get a lo-fi version suitable for dialup, iPhone, etc. by going a href=”http://politicscentral.com/2007/01/10/the_glenn_and_helen_show_mitt.php”here/a and selecting the lo-fi version. And, of course, you can always a href=”http://phobos.apple.com/WebObjects/MZStore.woa/wa/viewPodcast?id=116559643s=143441″subscribe via iTunes./aYou can see a href=”http://instapundit.com/podcasts.php”our archives /ahere where you can check out our other interviews with Senator John McCain, another presidential candiate for 2008 or Governor Mark Warner, who discussed in our prior podcast with him, why he decided emnot/em to run.br /br /This podcast is brought to you by Volvo at a href=”http://www.volvocars.us/”www.volvocars. us/a



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