"We Drink and Bathe from the Toilets" -- Iranian Dissident Trapped 76 Days (and counting) in Moscow Airport - Exclusive Pajamas Media Video

(Video smuggled out of the Moscow airport and exclusive to Pajamas Media. Translation by Iranian-American filmmaker Ardeshir Arian. Michael Ledeen’s backgrounder on this case can be read HERE.)

PJM sources inform Kamalfar is still at the Moscow airport and did not leave for Iran on the first flight. An Aeroflot flight leaves for Tehran in about an hour. Negotiations are ongoing between human rights organizations and the Russians and, presumably, between the Russians and the Iranian regime.


FURTHER UPDATE – 16:26 PST: Midnight in Moscow, as the song goes. The latest reports to reach PJM are that Zahra Kamalfar is under the watchful eye of three Iranian men with ear pieces. (She knows they are Iranian because they whisper to each other in Farsi.) It is probable they could not be there without the acquiescence of the Russians. Meanwhile, PJM has learned that Kamalfar’s brother – Nader Kamalfar – has official political asylum in Canada. Her other brother was killed in Iran, presumably by the regime. At the moment, Zahra has no papers to prove her family identity. Those are in the hands of the Canadian law firm representing her brother, but are not available until Wednesday. (She may be in Tehran by then.) All of this is, of course, unconfirmed. (To see the full story and view long comment thread GO HERE)


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