Post Election Podcast

Our two favorite military analysts, Jim Dunnigan of a href=””Strategy Page /aand Austin Bay of a href=”” /a discuss the resignation of Donald Rumsfeld, what the mid-term election results mean for the war and military tactics as well as the “new direction” of the Democratic party. Listening to these two experts put the elections and the war into perspective from a historical point of view cheered me up and made me feel more positive about the direction of /br /You can listen to the podcast directly a href=””here at Pajamas Media/a by clicking on the gray flash player or for dial-up users, click a href=”″here./a Subscribe via iTunes (you know you want to!) a href=”″here./abr /br /You can see our previous podcast archive a href=””here./abr /br /This podcast is sponsored by a href=””Volvo at Buy one today, and tell them we sent you!



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