I stayed up late last night watching the election returns come in. Okay, late for me, midnight. I even swigged down some wine (half a glass) which for me is a big deal, given the amount of heart drugs I take, which exacerbate the effect of alcohol to the point where half a glass is like four glasses for a normal person. br /br /I was pleased to see the Tennessee elections turned out exactly as I had hoped and a href=”http://drhelen.blogspot.com/2006/10/early-voting.html”all of the candidates I voted for/a, Corker, a href=”http://lastcar.blogspot.com/2006_11_01_lastcar_archive.html”Campfield/a, a href=”http://www.house.gov/duncan/contact.htm”Duncan/a and a href=”http://www.tennesseeanytime.org/governor/Welcome.do;jsessionid=lTZWPfT5HY-jP2xi7q”Bredesen/a won. I am always proud of Tennesseans who do not look to the national media to make up their minds for them and march to the beat of their own drummer. Apparently, so far Corker is thea href=”http://knoxnews.com/kns/election/article/0,1406,KNS_630_5128186,00.html” only freshman Republican Senator /a in the country (Hat Tip: a href=”http://instapundit.com/”Instapundit/a). Congrats to him! And how was your election night?
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