PajamasMedia Saturday Week in Review

The Sanity Squad on our own dear leaders, and containing Kim.
• Baron Bodissey investigates the Department of the Interior’s blog-blocking moves.
• Cathy Seipp on the bloodletting at the L.A. Times.
Nidra Poller reports from Paris on the disappointing verdict in the Philippe Karsenty/France 2 case.
How Lawyers Hobble the CIA and Damage the War Effort, by Richard Miniter.
Michael Yon on the enduring legacy of Mikhail Kalashnikov’s AK-47.
• Richard Miniter on Democratic senatorial candidate Benjamin Cardin’s fake followers.
• The perfect kitty litter for techies.
• Finishing a great book? Find out what to read next.
PO2 (SEAL) Michael Monsoor: The Best We Have
• Earth to Mid-East Muslims: Get a life. Victor Davis Hanson does it again at Works and Days
Our complete coverage of the UNSC’s decision to impose punitive sanctions on North Korea.
• “Polls suck and don’t indicate squat,” and other gems from the Battle of November.
• Are Chinese soldiers murdering Tibetans in cold blood? Watch the video.
Hawaii’s Big Quake. Didn’t shake it up all that much.
• IDF Incursion into Gaza – Iraq Death Toll Tops 3,000 – Hezbollah Websites and more in The MidEast.
The Manolo turns the two years old.
America’s Dumbest Congressmen.
Food Stamps in Four Hours and other courses for credit.
• President Bush signs terrorist interrogation legislation. This is going to leave a mark.
X21 renamed Freerangers. Pajamas given away. Population rejoices at demise of yet another alphanumeric name.
• Richard Miniter finds out what it is about black Republicans that drives white Democrats crazy.
Phil Angelides accuses Friend-of-Nelson-Mandela Arnold Schwarzenegger of having supported apartheid. (Phil Angelides is the Democratic candidate in California’s gubernatorial race.)
Jousting with the Lancet: Pajamas Media correspondent Richard Miniter interviews professor Gilbert Burnham.
Blog Week in Review: Featuring author Lawrence Wright discussing his book The Looming Tower: Al-Qaeda and the Road to 9/11 with Richard Fernandez and host Austin Bay.



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