Trump's Lawyer Takes a Victory Lap Over Comey Testimony...

Marc Kasowitz, President Trump’s personal attorney, is taking a victory lap today over James Comey’s testimony to the Senate Intelligence committee. Kasowitz said that the fired FBI director confirmed three things that the administration has been saying for some time.


First, President Trump was not a subject of the FBI investigation (at least at the time Comey was let go). Comey said in multiple ways that Trump was not being investigated. Second, no votes were altered by the Russians. Comey responded to a question from Senator Rubio (R-FL) by saying that the Russians didn’t hack into our election mechanisms. So this debunks a piece of mainstream media mantra — Russia didn’t actually put Trump into the Oval Office. They did not change the outcome that the voters prescribed. Finally, Trump did the opposite of obstructing the course of the Russia investigation. This one is a little less clearcut: Comey said he felt like Trump was asking him to let the investigation on General Flynn go; but, as Kosowitz says, “The president told Mr. Comey, ‘it would be good to find out,’ in that investigation, if there was, ‘some satellite associates of his who did something wrong.’ And he, President Trump, did not exclude anyone from that statement.” Comey did indeed say both of these statements. If Trump did say he’d have liked Comey to keep investigating his associates for any Russia wrongdoing, that does seem like he wasn’t impeding the FBI’s work…


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