Jul 21, 2024 8:46 PM ET Paula Bolyard

That's a wrap, dear readers. We now return you to our regular programming. Stay tuned to PJ Media for all the latest news and analysis. Thanks for hanging out with us today. We always enjoy these little meetings! 

Gentle reminder: Now is not the time to sit on our laurels. Whoever ends up being the Democrat nominee will be every bit as radical as Joe Biden—or even worse. If Democrats win in November, we'll be looking at record inflation, a national debt the size of a mushroom cloud, wide-open borders, more violence nationwide, and increased radicalization of K-12 and higher education. YOU can make a difference by becoming a VIP member. With your help, we can expose the Left and get the word out to as many Americans as possible. Sign up here and use the promo code MAGA24 for 60% off (limited-time offer). 

Jul 21, 2024 8:44 PM ET Paula Bolyard

Depends on whether they think he'd be useful. 

Jul 21, 2024 8:26 PM ET Stephen Kruiser

Now Manchin is talking about re-registering as a Democrat so he can jump in if there's a free-for-all at the DNC. I can't imagine any Dem elites welcoming him back after spending the last few years sticking it to them. 

Jul 21, 2024 8:39 PM ET Catherine Salgado

What exactly will Kamala claim to run on? The one big thing she was put in charge of as VP was the border, and everyone knows that was a complete catastrophe. She will have to lie even more than Democrats usually do about her record 

Jul 21, 2024 8:35 PM ET Catherine Salgado
Jul 21, 2024 8:26 PM ET Stephen Kruiser

Now Manchin is talking about re-registering as a Democrat so he can jump in if there's a free-for-all at the DNC. I can't imagine any Dem elites welcoming him back after spending the last few years sticking it to them. 

Jul 21, 2024 8:17 PM ET Stephen Kruiser

It's also important to remember that progressives in CA really didn't like her as a district attorney, or AG. 

Jul 21, 2024 8:13 PM ET Paula Bolyard

Reminder that Kamala Harris supports forced busing. NYT in 2019 after she excoriated Biden for hanging out with segregationists. 

But even in the afterglow of her debate reviews, questions still linger about Ms. Harris’s policy core. After her exchange with Mr. Biden on Thursday night, a Harris spokesman said that she supported busing as a method for school integration, but the campaign declined to provide additional information.

When asked if she supports busing "right now," her comms guy replied "yes." on Twitter in 2019. 

I wrote about it here at the time. 

Jul 21, 2024 8:13 PM ET Paula Bolyard

Reminder that Kamala Harris supports forced busing. NYT in 2019 after she excoriated Biden for hanging out with segregationists. 

But even in the afterglow of her debate reviews, questions still linger about Ms. Harris’s policy core. After her exchange with Mr. Biden on Thursday night, a Harris spokesman said that she supported busing as a method for school integration, but the campaign declined to provide additional information.

When asked if she supports busing "right now," her comms guy replied "yes." on Twitter in 2019. 

I wrote about it here at the time. 

Jul 21, 2024 8:10 PM ET Kevin Downey Jr.

Check this out. It looks like Hunter wants a pardon REALLLLLY badly.

The Hunter Biden tweet is from patriot EA_Man in the comments:


Jul 21, 2024 8:09 PM ET Catherine Salgado

Translation: YYYEEEESSSS I outlasted him! (Cue the cackling) 

I wonder if Kamala’s people are simultaneously running her account and Biden’s account?

Jul 21, 2024 7:58 PM ET Stephen Kruiser

I'll always vote for the Wicked Witch of Chappaqua.

Jul 21, 2024 7:54 PM ET Kevin Downey Jr.


Who is more evil, diabolical, and downright corrupt, the Clintons or the Bidens, and why?!

Jul 21, 2024 7:57 PM ET Chris Queen


Joe Manchin: Give me attention!

Jul 21, 2024 7:57 PM ET Chris Queen

Oh look: Old White Man considers swooping in to save the day.

Jul 21, 2024 7:55 PM ET Paula Bolyard

The question is, who could do the most damage to the country between now and November: The people running Biden or the imaginary president in Kamala's head? 

Jul 21, 2024 7:55 PM ET Stephen Kruiser


Jul 21, 2024 7:54 PM ET Kevin Downey Jr.


Who is more evil, diabolical, and downright corrupt, the Clintons or the Bidens, and why?!

Jul 21, 2024 7:54 PM ET Chris Queen

Charles C. W. Cooke at National Review:

A curious thing about the contemporary Democratic Party is that it hasn’t had a nominee since 2012 who has risen to their present station of their own volition. Bill Clinton and Barack Obama were the most talented political campaigners since Ronald Reagan. And everyone who has come after them owes their fortunes to that fact. Hillary Clinton was a prospect in 2008 — and the nominee in 2016 — because she was married to Bill. Joe Biden was the VP from 2009 to 2017 — and the nominee in 2020 — because Barack Obama plucked him out of the Senate and made him his running mate. Kamala Harris will almost certainly be the nominee in 2024 because, despite having run one of the most disastrous primary campaigns in modern history, she was picked as his running mate by Joe Biden, who, in turn, owed his late-stage political career to Barack Obama. I am not quite sure what this says about the Democratic Party, but I am sure that it is true. And at some point, in one way or another, it’s going to matter.

Jul 21, 2024 7:42 PM ET Paula Bolyard

This cannot be repeated often enough. 

Jul 21, 2024 7:40 PM ET Stephen Kruiser

We knew it was coming, but the revisionist history about Biden is off-the-charts fiction today. Also, one of my biggest pet peeves is referring to what career politicians do a "public service." Nah, it's a grift. 

Jul 21, 2024 7:35 PM ET Catherine Salgado

And like the cat in that scenario, he is probably about to be cooked…

Jul 21, 2024 7:34 PM ET Kevin Downey Jr.

Catherine, I think Hunter is sweating like a cat in a Chinese restaurant.

Again, from Jessica.

Jul 21, 2024 7:34 PM ET Kevin Downey Jr.

Catherine, I think Hunter is sweating like a cat in a Chinese restaurant.

Again, from Jessica.

Jul 21, 2024 7:27 PM ET Catherine Salgado

I wonder how Hunter feels right now…

Jul 21, 2024 7:26 PM ET Stephen Kruiser

Since you all are such stalwarts, here's a preview of tomorrow's HL:

"The Morning Briefing: Once Again, Joe Biden Makes Everything Weird"

Jul 21, 2024 7:21 PM ET Chris Queen

Granted this is before Biden dropped out, but...

Jul 21, 2024 7:19 PM ET Stephen Kruiser

Polling for this race is going to be like a road trip with Hunter S. Thompson for the next few weeks.

Jul 21, 2024 7:16 PM ET Stephen Kruiser

Once again: until she gets the endorsement of His High Holiness the Lightbringer Barack Obama, Kamala Harris is trying to get all of the Prilosec and Xanax that's not being popped at DNC HQ. 

Jul 21, 2024 7:15 PM ET Matt Margolis

In the end, I think we know this move is just about trying to save down ballot races.

Jul 21, 2024 7:11 PM ET Stephen Kruiser

MSNBC: "Intellectual humility leads us to Kamala Harris as the least risky bet."

Jul 21, 2024 7:11 PM ET Stephen Kruiser

MSNBC: "Intellectual humility leads us to Kamala Harris as the least risky bet."

Jul 21, 2024 7:09 PM ET Matt Margolis

Not sure what that will accomplish.

Jul 21, 2024 7:08 PM ET Stephen Kruiser

Here are just some of the headlines I've seen from WaPo and the Times in the last hour or so:

"How a Harris presidential campaign would transform the race"

"Kamala Harris or Bust" 

"If Kamala Harris Is a D.E.I. Candidate, So Is JD Vance"

Jul 21, 2024 7:08 PM ET Chris Queen

These are the same people who say that GOP election winners are "selected not elected."

Saving democracy my [redacted]!

The event hasn't started yet

