Where Is the Outrage? Democrats 'End Democracy,' Boot Biden, and Look to Install Their Next Puppet

AP Photo/Susan Walsh

Just my hunch, but I'm guessing the Democrats realized that Gropey Joe Biden was too weak a candidate, with polls too far south, to cheat him into the White House again. Thus be to tyrants!


Never mind that liberals voted Biden to be their candidate in 2024. The Deep State likely has its own plans.

Did President Finger-Diddle bail because he did a horrible job? Let's look at his "achievements."

Biden allowed over eight million illegal immigrants to invade our nation. He raised inflation. He divided the country by declaring MAGA to be an existential threat to the nation. He brought us to the brink of WWIII.

In other words, he did what he was sent there to do. In the eyes of the Marxist globalists, he was successful. But as with every communist in history, once a comrade wears out his welcome, he is sent away by any means necessary.

QUESTIONS-O-RAMA! The Democrats realized Joe wasn't fit to run for re-election. Is he fit to hold on to those nuclear codes until January 2025? Or will he resign to make Kamala Harris the president for a brief time just to check those boxes?

Where are the voters who swooned all the way to the voting stations in honor of Joe Biden back in 2020? Shouldn't they be taking to the streets to fight for their beloved candidate? Will our left-leaning friends try to stop their party from "ending democracy" by booting the guy they voted for in the primaries, and installing his replacement?

Lefty Americans quite recently voted in the primaries for Joe. The people have spoken. Trump's people show up in record numbers to his rallies. Surely Joe can get some of those 81 million supporters to rally around him, right?


I believe the news of Biden's dementia became too hard to hide, despite Karine Jean-Pierre's shameless lies that the growing collection of videos showing Biden acting like a zombie were nothing but right-wing "cheap fakes."

There is a lot of evidence that leads me to believe the hatcheting of Joe Biden was an inside job.

The debate was the beginning of the end. A debate that occurred really early in an election cycle. Was it held early so that the Democrat could give Biden the "et tu, Brutus?" in time to replace him? After that painful debate debacle, Biden did a few interviews to show the world he wasn't cuckoo for Cocoa-Puffs, but those were just more gut punches to Biden and his campaign. I have a sneaking feeling the Democrats threw Joe into those interviews knowing he would all but drop a crabcake in his pants and ask for his sippy cup full of Adderall and Red Bull. I believe the Donkeys called in their media myrmidons to give Biden the coup de grace.

TINFOIL HAT-O-RAMA! Am I the only one who finds it weird that Biden didn't step down until a bullet fired from a smelly, pimply-faced incel magically missed its mark last week in Butler, PA? I'm guessing if Trump had been killed, Biden wouldn't be stepping down.

I think Americans deserve to know what kind of golden parachute Jill Biden negotiated for Biden's surrender. Hunter Biden is facing a nine-count tax evasion case in September. He has yet to be sentenced for the three felony convictions involving buying a gun while wacked out on Electric Kool-Aid. The Oversight Committee recommended charges against Hunter and his Uncle Jim Biden for lying to Congress. Then there is the Godzilla of all legal battles: How will the Biden family explain the mad stacks they hoovered from China, Russia, Ukraine, and a bunch of countries that end in "stan"?


     RELATED:  Internet EXPLODES as Joe Biden Drops Out of 2024 Race

I'm guessing Biden, who allegedly hates Kamala, traded his endorsement for a pardon for his filthy, traitorous family, assuming she will replace him on the 2024 ticket.

What have we learned?

Biden's departure stinks of a well-timed mutiny. If liberal voters want Biden, they should have Biden. 

We've learned that We the People may not have the voting power we are supposed to have. Are we citizens or are we subjects?


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