One-of-a-Kind Book Teaches Children How to Think

Excerpted from Cross-Currents:

So what is the reason for Jewish intellectual success? Gefilte fish? The hostility of non-Jews leaving us no other option? A tradition of study? A genetic disposition for a fatty substance that speeds electric flow between synapses? G-d’s special blessing?…

The several books in the A Yiddishe Kop series are gobbled up shortly after publication. They have been translated into several languages (including English), and you’ve seen nothing like them before. … They are the product of the creative genius of Gadi Pollack.

The books are collections of full-color illustrations of scenes from life. Each is accompanied by a series of questions about the people and events in the picture. The reader’s first reaction is “how am I supposed to know! The picture doesn’t say anything about that!”

Having nowhere else to go, the reader then takes a closer look – especially at small details….


Read the rest here and buy A Yiddish Kop here.



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