Women's Group: Expect 200,000 for Inauguration Protests

Election Protests Washington

It is estimated that the Women’s March on Washington will have 200,000 protestors at an event during President Trump’s inauguration.  The event is called “The Gathering for Justice,” according to their permit application.


The purpose of the event is “to come together in solidarity to express to the new administration & congress that women’s rights are human rights and our power cannot be ignored.”

The event originated out of a Facebook group and 100,000 group members pledge to show up at the event. Other groups are also planning inauguration activities.

The march is one of many planned protests and events surrounding the inauguration. Other groups that applied for permits on Inauguration Day include the March for Life Education and Defense Fund 2017, requesting a permit for the National Mall to “march for life, to build a culture of Life on the anniversary of Roe vs. Wade.” The application said it anticipates 50,000 people will attend.

The Westboro Baptist Church, the Kansas religious group that has used anti-LGBQT protests at funerals for military members to draw attention to itself, also applied for a permit for John Marshall Park, near the National Mall.


Westboro Baptist Church stated the purpose of their event is to “conduct a public demonstration/outdoor religious service regarding the judgement of God with respect to the dangers of promoting homosexuality-, same sex marriage [sic] and the filthy manner of life and idol-worshipping of the nation.”

Bikers for Trump has also applied for a permit in order “to celebrate president-elect, and encourage peaceful transition.”

Prediction: the media will ignore the March for Life and the Bikers, instead choosing to focus on the Westboro Baptist Church and the anti-Trump events.


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