[UPDATED] The Thrill of Victory, the Agony of Death, and Hope of Jesus at the CrossFit Games

CrossFit Games

Update Sunday 6:20 p.m.: James Sprague won the CrossFit Games, earning the title Fittest Man on Earth. 

The 22-year-old quoted John 15:5 in his postgame interview: "I am the vine; you are the branches. Whoever abides in me and I in him, he it is that bears much fruit, for apart from me you can do nothing."


"So just being here in this position is, it's not me doing this. It's not me doing this at all, to be able to carry through amidst so much adversity this season, you know, wasn't exactly as I was expecting." He revealed that he's been dealing with a painful hip condition called myositis ossificans, which is caused by a build-up of calcium in a muscle bruise. "So to be able to just come out here and prove that it doesn't matter what hits me, mentally, physically, I know that my spiritual strength is going to carry me through any challenge."

He said that when he started CrossFit, he was an "overweight, depressed fifth- and sixth-grader. I didn't know if I had any purpose in life. I played sports. I did things that kind of numbed my pain."  

But when he went to a CrossFit box with his dad, "I realized that that was going to be my purpose, fulfilling my fitness dreams, helping other people on their fitness journeys, being here, representing, you know, my family, my faith, all my supporters in the crowds." 

Well done, young man! 

Original story: 

The CrossFit community was horrified to learn early Thursday morning that Lazar Dukic, 28, one of the most popular and successful athletes to compete in the CrossFit Games, tragically died during a swimming competition on opening day. 

The details are unclear at this point. Dukic, a former competitive polo player, appeared to struggle 100 meters from the finish line. Individuals on paddleboards (it's not clear whether they were trained in water rescue) apparently didn't notice the Serbian athlete flailing in the water, and it wasn't until someone realized he hadn't crossed the finish line that a search commenced. His body was pulled from the water, which sent shockwaves through the CrossFit world, particularly among the athletes, many of whom knew Lazar and trained with him. 


Despite vocal calls to cancel the competition to name the Fittest Man and Fittest Woman on Earth, event planners allowed athletes to vote on whether to continue. According to Dave Castro, they voted by a margin of 80% to continue. Many have singled out Castro, the GM of CrossFit, for not ensuring that athletes were kept safe during the competition. That may well be true, but we won't know for sure what happened until an autopsy is completed and a cause of death is made public. I'm not here to speculate about or debate the circumstances that led to his death. 

Friday's Games began with a heartbreaking tribute to Lazar, as the athletes, dressed in black, stood in formation for a moment of silence for their fallen comrade. It was gutwrenching to see Lazar's brother Luka and his girlfriend Anja Pantovic grieving and to witness all the tough-as-nails male CrossFitters sobbing over the loss of their friend. 

Several top athletes decided not to compete this weekend, including last year's CrossFit Games winners Laura Horvath and Jeffrey Adler. Others waited a full minute before beginning various competitions, essentially giving themselves a one-minute penalty to honor Dukic. Many athletes wore shirts emblazoned with Lazar's name. 

Throughout the weekend, commentators stressed how everyone deals with grief differently and how there's no right way to get through something of this magnitude. A lot of people on social media are dealing with it by rage-posting on the Instagram feeds of athletes who decided to compete in the wake of Lazar's death. Haters aside, the CrossFit community is one of the reasons people work out at their local affiliates, and that camaraderie carries through to regional and national competitions. This is a heartbroken community, but one that supports and cares for one another through the best and worst of times. 


Many athletes were asked about the tragedy and recalled memories of Dukic. One of the most poignant came from a young man named James Sprague, who, as I write this, is in second place in the four-day competition. 

Asked where he is emotionally following the tragedy, the 21-year-old Sprague said, "Emotionally, for me, it's a little different than other athletes. I knew that Lazar had faith in Christ. I knew that Lazar believed in our Heavenly Father, Jesus Christ, and the triune God. I know that Lazar is resting above us. He's watching us. He's proud of us right here." 

He added, "My favorite Bible verse is Proverbs 24:16: "'A righteous man falls seven times, yet he rises again.' I know that Lazar, as a believer, would want us to rise again as athletes. That's why I showed up on the floor today, tomorrow, and Sunday to pursue my goal." 

But Sprague wasn't done. After winning the "Chad" hero workout on Saturday (an insane 250 quadruple box step-ups wearing a 35-lb. ruck), he quoted Hebrews 11:6: "The one that draws near to Him must believe that He exists and that He rewards those who seek Him." It's a simple Gospel truth. 

The athletes at the Games must be incredibly shaken to have witnessed an elite athlete in the prime of his life die in their midst. I dare say none of them will ever be the same. Despite the cries of "tone deaf!" from the Very Online People, it's clear that, rather than posturing and celebrating, Sprague was trying to lead his competitors and those watching online to the hope he has in Jesus, despite his and their immense grief. 


As the apostle Paul wrote in 1 Thessalonians 4: "But we do not want you to be uninformed, brothers, about those who are asleep, that you may not grieve as others do who have no hope. For since we believe that Jesus died and rose again, even so, through Jesus, God will bring with him those who have fallen asleep." Paul completes the passage with the admonition to "encourage one another with these words." That's what Sprague did on Saturday. 

Christians who place their trust in Jesus grieve as deeply as anyone else. Being a Christian doesn't shield one from the pain and suffering in the world. Yet, we do not grieve "without hope." We know there's more than our short time on Earth, so we have God's comfort to sustain us in the present and confidence in a future in Heaven with our savior. 

May God's peace and comfort envelop those who are grieving the death of Lazar, and may He be their hope in the coming weeks and months as they continue to process this tragedy. 

"Where There Is Faith" by 4Him

I believe in faithfulness

I believe in giving of myself for someone else

I believe in peace and love

I believe in honesty and trust but it's not enough

For all that I believe may never change the way it is

Unless I believe Jesus lives

Where there is faith

There is a voice calling, keep walking

You're not alone in this world

Where there is faith

There is a peace like a child sleeping

Hope everlasting in He who is able to

Bear every burden, to heal every hurt in my heart

It is a wonderful, powerful place

Where there is faith


There's a man across the sea

Never heard the sound of freedom ring

Only in his dreams

There's a lady dressed in black

In a motorcade of Cadillacs

Daddy's not coming back

Our hearts begin to fall

And our stability grows weak

But Jesus meets our needs if only we believe


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