Nothing About This Is Normal

Justin Lane/Pool Photo via AP

We've crossed the Rubicon. There's no way to walk back what Soros DA Alvin Bragg, Judge Juan Merchan, and a Manhattan jury did today. It will reverberate beyond Trump's (much more likely now) second term. Leftists far and wide are celebrating Trump's conviction today with no understanding of how perilous this is for our country—for the democracy they claim to love. For the first time, a former president of the United States has been convicted of a felony. It was a setup from the start—lawfare for political purposes—and nothing about it remotely resembled a fair trial. 


And half the country is ok with it. 

From this day forward, every Republican president and Congress member will have to fear being hauled into court by the Democrats—and it won't be an irrational fear. Who would want to run for office knowing what awaits them? 

Remember the Left's biggest complaint about Trump in the early days of his presidency? They wept and gnashed their teeth whenever he acted outside the box, claiming he violated presidential norms. "This is not normal!" they lamented over and over again. 

Now we know it was all projection. None of this is normal, and we cannot accept it as the new normal. 

If you weren't sure before today that the upcoming election is the most pivotal in our nation's history, today was a wake-up call. Our republic is hanging by the thinnest thread, thanks to the Democrats and their accomplices in the media. 

One thing is clear: We must recommit ourselves to saving America. It's time for all Republicans—even the ones we don't like—to unify and do what's necessary to win the White House, the House, and the Senate. If that happens, we may yet get another chance to save what's left of our republic. 

If you're angry about the witch hunt—and you should be—it's time to get involved. Register to vote if you're not. Register others to vote. Get involved in your local GOP. Warn your neighbors about the great peril we're in. 


Another thing you can do is support PJ Media by becoming a VIP member so we can continue telling you the truth about the Democrats' corrupt efforts to create political unrest and destabelize our country. Right now, we're running a one-day sale—60% off—on new annual memberships when you use the promo code WITCHHUNT. That takes the price down to $1.60/month. Without the support of our VIPs, we would have shut the site down a year ago, so believe me when I say that we need you now more than ever. 


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