Trump's Koigate Is Fake News Spun by Shameless White House Press Corps

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One of the contributing factors to Donald Trump’s election last year was the widespread perception that the media elites were completely detached from the rest of the country. Many see the media, with its credibility shredded, alternate between reckless mishandling of the truth and pathological lying.


Take, for instance, an entirely manufactured controversy taken from President Trump’s current visit to Japan.

An otherwise uneventful photo op with Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe has been falsely spun by the White House press corps as a massive diplomatic blunder.

During the photo op, Trump and Abe were feeding koi in a pond below the balcony with spoons.

After several spoonfuls, PM Abe dumps his box of fish food into the pond. Trump follows in kind.

Here’s the video:

But the pool reporter traveling with the president, Justin Sink of Bloomberg, tweeted out that Trump had just decided to dump the whole box into the pond — never mentioning that he was following PM Abe’s lead:

CNN even edited out of its video PM Abe dumping his box of fish food first, zooming in on Trump to make it appear he did it on his own:

ABC News also ran with the deceptively edited video:

Huffington Post also pushed out the fake news:


And the White House press corps ran hard with the fake news headline:

NBC News White House reporter Monica Alba:

New York Times White House reporter Julie Davis:

Associated Press White House reporter Jonathan Lemire:

CNBC Trump administration reporter Christina Wilkie:

CNN breaking news reporter Veronica Rocha posted video of the event, but the video zooms in on Trump so you don’t see Abe spill his box of food first:

New York Magazine/Huffington Post correspondent Yashar Ali:

And now the fake news Koigate scandal is a full-blown international media narrative:


It’s even become a Twitter Moment.

(It seems Twitter deleted their moment. Here’s a screenshot.)

But the entire thing is 100 percent fake news pushed by the shameless White House press corps.

Hours after having pushed out the fake news narrative, to her credit, New York Times reporter Julie Davis did correct the record:

Initial (fake) tweet: 2,200 retweets, 3,200 likes.

Follow-up (correction) tweet: 31 tweets, 83 likes.

Some tried to call out the media, so far unsuccessfully:

Is it really any wonder why no one trusts the media?


Even if one would concede that this was not done out of malice, just reckless indifference to what the truth is, the fact that falsehood has so quickly taken root that it is now a full-blown media narrative demonstrates the destructive power of the media cartel.

And there are increasing concerns that they are increasingly irresponsible with the social power that they wield.

These aren’t just stringers. These are supposedly the White House press corps media vanguards of democracy.

As the writer Jonathan Swift once wrote, “Falsehood flies, and the Truth comes limping after it.”


New York Mag’s Yashar Ali and CNBC’s Christina Wilkie deleted their tweets and corrected themselves after getting hammered on Twitter.

Some didn’t buy the “relied on multiple media reports” (meaning, a bunch of other media people I follow on Twitter):


Twitter added a new Corrected Moment.

Longtime media political analyst Jeff Greenfield admitted his bias:

But the slow-walk retractions aren’t nearly as heartfelt as the initial fake news push.


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