Gold Star Mothers Condemn Socialism, Slam Kaepernick

Photo credit: Subverse via Twitter

WASHINGTON — Gold Star mothers gathered on Capitol Hill for a rally against socialism.

Conservative commentator Rose Tennent, who hosted the event which was organized by Moms for America, said that “there is no such thing as Democratic Socialism — that is a lie, it is an oxymoron.”


“The first election under a Democratic Socialist government is the last free election we will ever have,” Tennent said at the rally on Thursday, July 4. “Our founding fathers left because they were once slaves to an oppressive government. I think they would weep today if they saw we were on a path towards oppressive government once again, tyrannical rule, and we cannot have that.”

Gold Star Mom Amanda Jacobs, who spoke at the rally, mentioned former NFL player Colin Kaepernick, a Nike spokesperson who reportedly complained to the company that their shoe with the Betsy Ross flag was offensive.

“When I look at this country today and I tell people, and I’ve wanted to say this out loud so many times, Colin Kaepernick was getting paid $14 million dollars a year to throw a ball. My son died for $14,000 a year and he’s given more than any football player, any athlete, has ever given,” said Jacobs, mother of Marine Lance Cpl. Christopher Phoenix-Jacob Levy who was killed in Afghanistan in 2011.

“These two children right here — you can look at a flag and say that’s Uncle Jacob,” Jacobs said. “That’s what we are here for today, not because I wanted to be a Gold Star mom. I got gold stars in school for making grades but this gold star I wear every day isn’t for me; it’s because of what my son chose to do without my permission, trust me, and I have a 17-year-old that is doing the same thing and it’s because of what they believed.”


Margy Agar, mother of Kim Agar who died while serving in Iraq in 2011, said socialism is “not freedom” because it favors the “government over the governed.”

“The people are no longer the central focus,” she said. “Socialism gives power to the president as a supreme leader who will be the distributor of government generosity or entitlement programs. Citizens become dependent on the government which in turn depends on the citizens to keep it in power.”

Agar continued, “My daughter did not serve this country and her people so that its government could take it away. Freedom is not free.”

Kaye Jordan, mother of Army PFC Austin Staggs, who was killed in Afghanistan, encouraged parents to teach their children about America and what it has to offer.

“The thing that America needs to remember is freedom is generational. You don’t know when someone in your family is going to enlist and you don’t know if they may be the one that doesn’t come home so all we’re asking for is love, respect and honor,” she said. “I’m fighting so his freedom is not in vain. We can’t lose what we have gained.”

Cindy Dietz-Marsh, mother of Navy SEAL Danny Dietz, who was killed during a mission in Afghanistan, said her son wanted to defend the U.S. against any threats.


“Today we are facing a new threat that is gaining momentum. It is what I call the New Age Socialism — the goal is equalization and regulation of the community and our country,” she said, adding that too many millennials are failing to see the dangers of socialism. “Our children are being taught to be ashamed of American systems and values.”

Academy award-winning actor Jon Voight applauded the Gold Star moms for their “eloquence” and reaching the “hearts of all of us.”

“I have never been happier than to be with these assembled families, never. They’re the greatest,” he said at the rally. “Their loved ones are definitely watching over us and definitely guiding us.”


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