Religious Conservative: I Didn't Vote for Trump to Be 'My Sunday School Teacher'

(AP Photo/Jacquelyn Martin)

WASHINGTON – Former President Bill Clinton recently accused the media of leaving out facts about his past sexual behavior because they are “frustrated” that President Trump’s supporters aren’t concerned about the sexual misconduct allegations that women have made against the current president.


“A lot of the facts have been conveniently omitted to make the story work,” Clinton told NBC News when asked if he owes Monica Lewinsky a personal apology. “I think partly because they are frustrated that they got all these serious allegations against the current occupant of the Oval Office, and his voters don’t seem to care.”

In the same interview, Clinton also said, “Nobody believes that I got out of that for free. I left the White House $16 million in debt.”

Gus from Maryland, who attended the recent Faith and Freedom Coalition Road to Majority conference, said there is “no comparison” between the allegations against Trump and Clinton’s history. Gus said he’s more concerned about Trump keeping the promises he made to religious conservatives at the conference before he was elected in 2016.

“So far he seems to have kept most of his promises made. We still have a long way to go. As far as what Bill Clinton said, there’s no comparison because, to the best of my knowledge, the president is not doing the same things in that personal regard in the Oval Office as the former occupants,” he said told PJM at the conference.

“Of course, the ultimate evidence of all that, you know, the members of the ‘deep state,’ the Secret Service, has got it concerning past presidents and whatever went on, especially in the West Wing, in terms of very undignified and certainly immoral sexual activity. So what matters more is what [Trump is] doing there, not what may or may not have happened in the past,” he added.


Samuel from Georgia said Trump’s past matters but not as a voting issue because Trump was not elected to be a religious educator.

“I do care about his past, but I think he’s the right person for the job. And I’m not married but you look at your spouse, you don’t agree on everything. I certainly don’t agree with Trump on everything,” he said. “History is important, but he knows how to run the country more like a business – and I’m not voting for him to be my Sunday school teacher. I think he’s a good guy.”

Josephine Wang from Maryland told PJM she’s focused on Trump’s job performance and not paying attention to Clinton’s comments. Wang said she does not view Trump’s personal life as a voting issue.

“No, it doesn’t bother me. He’s the person that is focused on the main issues such as the economy, immigration, peace of the world and these little things – I don’t even, it doesn’t make an impression on me. I’m more focused on what he can do. Everybody is not perfect,” she said. “He’s not a perfect man and I’m not going to focus on the negative. So the negatives are very, very little. OK? I’m more interested in what he can do. He’s done a lot for the first 500 days so I’m very, very impressed.”

Roslyn from Florida shared a similar view concerning Clinton’s statement about Trump voters.

“I’m not bothered by it at all,” she said, speaking of the allegations against Trump. “Well, Bill Clinton already compromised himself completely, so he has no way of defending anything that he should say about anyone.”


She continued, “The thing about it is Bill Clinton is a liar and so he says he’s for the #MeToo movement. He’s for the ‘me too’ on any woman he can find. So all those women who have been violated by him, who have never been given any justification for what was done to them over all these years, he should be ashamed. So that’s all I have to say about it because he’s already made his bed.”

Gloria from Maryland said the allegations against Trump have not been proven, while Clinton’s conduct was proven and it led to his impeachment.

“I believe that they are just total allegations. If they were proven like in the case of President Clinton then you may want to look into it further, but right now it’s total allegations and it’s ridiculous,” she said at the conference. “We must focus on the greater things that he has actually accomplished and all this fake news, until they are proven, are total allegations that should not be given any viability until it’s proven. And I feel that Bill Clinton, absolutely all of those allegations against him were true because he was impeached, was he not?”


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