'Diverse' Podcaster Meeting Goes Into Full Meltdown After 'Harmful' and 'Dangerous' Conservative Shows Up

(AP Photo/Rich Pedroncelli, File)

Organizers of a woke podcasting convention would have sent a trigger warning to their conventioneers if they’d only known that he was coming.

Even assuming trigger warnings work, which they don’t, as a new study or any parent of a toddler can tell you, nothing could have prepared the attendees of the “Podcast Movement” convention in Texas for the loosing of an animal so dangerous and so contemptible that they may never get over the “pain” of witnessing it. Indeed, so dangerous was this animal, who had been allowed to roam freely and breathe their air, that woke conventioneers moved to immediately leash and lock it up like he was Peter Navarro or something.


Worse, he “did not have a badge.” Oh. My. God. Becky.

Ben Shapiro has that effect on Leftists.

Organizers sent urgent messages assuring the aghast podcasters that the conservative host had been confined to “the common space” and did not have a badge so they were safe from his free-range wordsmithing, dangerous ideas, and glad-handing.

In a series of tweets carrying the hashtag #PM22, the organizers of Podcast Movement revealed with crystal clarity their cowardice, showing how easily they would throw over all their promises of fostering “community” to make their tribe happy and shut up a guy whose company paid money for a booth there.

It’s one of the most cowardly and pathetic grovelings you’ll ever behold.

First came the apology.

Hi folks, we owe you an apology before sessions kick-off for the day. Yesterday afternoon, Ben Shapiro briefly visited the PM22 expo area near The Daily Wire booth. Though he was not registered or expected, we take full responsibility for the harm done by his presence.

Then they apologized again for their failure to foresee and stop the horrific event.

There’s no way around it: We agreed to sell The Daily Wire a first-time booth based on the company’s large presence in podcasting. The weight of that decision is now painfully clear. Shapiro is a co-founder. A drop-in, however unlikely, should have been considered a possibility.

And then came the groveling and assurances that Shapiro and other Daily Wire podcasters would not pollute their panels. And because they care so very, very much about their community, if anyone was still upset they were “here to talk” the Cheeto eaters off the ledge.


Just to clarify, no TDW representatives were scheduled to appear on panels, and Shapiro remained in the common space and did not have a badge. If you have questions, we’re here to talk. Thank you for reading, and we hope you’ll continue to join us from here on out.

In another message, they explained that “many in our community are appalled not just by this incident, but by our choice to take money from TDW in the first place.”

It got worse. “Those of you who called this ‘unacceptable’ are right,” they groveled. “The pain caused by this one will always stick with us.” Ben Shapiro’s presence was a tragedy that would stain the event forever. But never fear! “We promise that sponsors will be more carefully considered moving forward.”

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Good grief, who are these pantywaists and Nancy Boys?


Fortunately, the respondents provided us with a clue.

Like this guy, the host of the “mencourage” podcast, who met the moment with a solemn and meaningful quote.

Let us pray,

You all are human and make just as many mistakes as those who would criticize you. “It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles or where the doer of deeds could have done them better.” Theodore Roosevelt

Isn’t he wonderful? This man is the very embodiment of Dan Rather’s former newscast sign-off before he was outed to the world as a creative writer who specialized in military documents.


Gets me right there.

Mollie Hemingway of The Federalist told these saps to snap out of it.

You sound like *completely insane people*. What in the world is wrong with you? Is this a joke? You couldn’t tolerate *BEN* *FREAKING* *SHAPIRO*? Are you a child? An anti-semite? An anti-semitic child? How do you function in society if you can’t tolerate BEN SHAPIRO?


The pile-on became a landslide.

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And Congresswoman Lauren Boebert said the organizers and their triggered supporters had more serious issues than being triggered by a political talking head.

“Also, if the mere presence of Ben Shapiro somehow ‘harms’ you need more help than you can find on any self help podcast.”

This guy pointed out the convention’s own PR diversity hype.

This “mindset coach”–whatever the hell that means–had the right idea.

I’m bewildered and concerned that this silencing of people, in a space that’s founded on giving a voice to people, is accepted. This notion that people were “harmed” by his presence is just incredible. We need civil discourse to come back… not silencing of opposition.


It’s not “incredible,” it’s the Left.

The only one who hasn’t tweeted about the episode is Ben Shapiro himself. He probably figures that these crackpots have beclowned themselves very well and he doesn’t need to add to the obvious.


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