Police Want to Talk to Colo. Rep Who Brings Gun to Work and Who Made Video of Herself With Pistol in D.C.

Newly minted Colorado Congresswoman Lauren Boebert has been on the job for a minute and is already making waves with Washington, D.C.’s anti-gun crowd, chief among them are the D.C. police.


Weighing a buck-nothing and standing “five foot zero,” as she puts it, the 33-year-old mother of four boys is planning to conceal carry her Glock semiautomatic pistol in one of her many holsters while overseeing the people’s business.

She says D.C. is among the most violent places in the country and she has to walk to work by herself. “I am my best security,” she says.

But not so fast in the violent and gun-shy federal jurisdiction of Washington, D.C.

Like nearly four million other people, D.C. police saw the video of the congresswoman walking the streets of the District of Columbia talking about her Second Amendment right to carry arms on her person.


In D.C. of all places we should be encouraged to practice our rights.

In Congress, it’s kind of basic. I don’t go to work in a motorcade or armored car. I don’t get police escorts everywhere I go. I walk to my office every morning by myself.

I chose to defend my family with all of the force the Constitution provides. D.C. is one of the top 10 most dangerous cities in our country. Homicide rates and violent crimes are skyrocketing here.

People here don’t understand how we live in real America. The Second Amendment is part of our lives. Gun ownership is cherished and it makes our little towns safer.

Educated, law abiding gun owners are the safest people in America to be around. So when anyone comes in to limit the rights and safety of my family, I’ll tell them exactly what this mom thinks. I am here to say hell no.


[I]f you see me in D.C., say hi. You’re safe with me.


The congresswoman began carrying a pistol when there was a violent confrontation outside her bar and restaurant in Rifle, Colo., called “Shooters.” She and her mostly female employees began open-carrying pistols, which is legal in Colorado. As an employer, she provides mandatory training and range time for her employees.


She vows to carry her pistol “in D.C. and in Congress,” but while the rules for carrying in the “capitol complex” are fairly nebulous and allow congressional reps to carry, that isn’t the case in the District itself.

While the D.C. Heller decision upheld a person’s right to keep and bear arms in their home irrespective of being part of a “militia” and the Chicago McDonald decision allowed people to keep their guns on their persons, the District is a federal property.

You might think that, of all places, the federal district would allow all people to observe their God-given constitutional rights, but D.C. has other ideas.

Politico reported that the top cop will make sure the good congresswoman knows what the rules are in his city.

Chief Robert Contee III, when asked during a press conference about the newly elected Colorado lawmaker’s plan to carry a gun to the Capitol, said he wants to ensure that “she is aware of the what the laws of the District of Columbia are.”

“That Congresswoman will be subjected to the same penalties as anyone else that’s caught on the D.C. streets carrying a firearm,” Contee said.


Boebert told Fox and Friends that she doesn’t have “an armored vehicle … police escorts – I am my own security here and my most basic right is the right to defend myself.”

Boebert upset five-term Republican Congressman Scott Tipton, whom she pilloried for not supporting President Trump. She has also made being pro-gun a centerpiece of her new congressional career, becoming a co-chair of the House’s newly formed Second Amendment Caucus.

The New York Post reports that the Capitol Police, who oversee the Capitol complex, say there’s “no standing requirement” that members notify them when they’re packing a gun.

Boebert co-signed a letter with 82 congressional reps calling on Nancy Pelosi to retain a rule that greenlights carrying a gun. The new House rules reportedly left the rule intact.


Politics is becoming more dangerous – especially if you’re a conservative or Republican.

GOP congressional representatives and others were attacked on a baseball field by a mad, rifle-carrying Bernie Sanders volunteer, who opened-fired on them in 2017. Congressman Steve Scalise nearly died after being shot by James Hodgkinson. The only reason any of the victims survived is because Scalise, who was in leadership, had Capitol Police protecting him. They used their handguns to take out the rifle-toting would-be assassin.

Since then, there’s heightened political discord, with antifa and BLM rioters attacking Republicans on the streets of D.C., at restaurants, and at their homes. There is an increasing call for them to be more secure, but police can’t be everywhere.

Boebert isn’t waiting for someone to volunteer to keep her safe, she plans to do it herself.

Boebert’s spokesperson told The New York Post that she “will comply with all applicable firearm laws and regulations.”

But gun rights folks are putting their money on the congresswoman getting her way.

Victoria Taft is the host of  “The Adult in the Room Podcast With Victoria Taft” where you can hear her series on “Antifa Versus Mike Strickland.” Find it here. Follow her on Facebook,  TwitterParlerMeWeMinds @VictoriaTaft 

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