Media Portray Trump as 'President Bystander' – Hilariously Claim He Had Little to Do With New COVID Vaccine

Official White House Photo by Shealah Craighead

Let’s go through a partial list of President Donald J. Trump’s epic failures in the eyes of the media.

  • Deregulation and tax cuts acted like rocket fuel to launch the economy into seldom-seen heights
  • Unemployment was the lowest for minorities since the country started keeping track (pre-COVID)
  • Total US unemployment was the lowest in 50 years under Trump
  • Labor participation has been the highest in years
  • The US ceased to be dependent on Middle Eastern oil and became a net exporter of energy for the first time in 75 years
  • Trump slowed China’s funny money currency manipulations in a historic trade agreement
  • Renegotiated American job-killing NAFTA trade deal
  • Got out of the American job-killing Trans-Pacific Partnership agreement
  • The Trump Administration has spearheaded peace deals between 7 Muslim supremacist countries and Israel
  • Trump recovered 38 Americans held captive without paying ransom to the kidnappers
  • Trump filled the more than 200 vacancies in the federal court system left behind by Obama and named three U.S. Supreme Court justices
  • Enacted criminal justice reform
  • Started no wars
  • Trump stopped the physical caliphate asserted by ISIS that had grown to nearly the size of Great Britain
  • He took out the top terrorist in Iran, the world’s largest state sponsor of terrorism, Qasem Soleimani
  • He loosed US forces to kill the head of ISIS, Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi
  • He moved the US embassy to Israel to Jerusalem – the first president to fulfill this promise
  • He began building the border wall
  • Invoked the Defense Production Act to replenish the spent supply of ventilators for COVID response
  • Trump and Vice President Pence inaugurated Operation Warp Speed to break down regulatory walls and speed along testing, COVID therapeutics, equipment, PPE, and vaccines among multiple American companies

It’s stunning that such incredible feats were managed without a president of the United States having a thing to do with them. No leadership. No sense of urgency. Trump’s just a bystander-president. This is sarcasm, of course. But it really does bespeak the kind of rabid irreverence and unprecedented gaslighting by the Democrats and their scribes in the 4th and 5th Estates in their treatment of this presidency and especially in his coronavirus response. We’ve never seen such media manipulation against a sitting president and his party as we have seen in Trump’s first term. For every Trump triumph there’s been a new low in media response. Not for nothing has Trump given it right back to them.

The revisionist history of Trump’s first term is in full effect right now as the media ponder how best to spin the announcement by the first company announcing a ready-to-go coronavirus vaccine without giving the president any credit.  Pfizer announced that its vaccine has a 90% effectiveness rate in its late trials. This is a miraculous and monumental step in the right direction to rid the planet of China’s scourge. This should be a time of national celebration, but Joe Biden’s PR gang in the media doesn’t quite see it that way.

If you read or listen to the media, they’re still in full-throated denial of anything Trump’s done right. Trump is not allowed to have anything whatsoever to do with the success of Pfizer’s announcement, which, probably not coincidentally, came after the election.


The Washington Post touts in a headline, “No, Pfizer’s apparent vaccine success is not a function of Trump’s ‘Operation Warp Speed.’”

Newsweek reports, “Pfizer COVID-19 Vaccine Was ‘Never Part’ of Trump’s Operation Warp Speed, Says Research Head.”

Showing a photo of Joe Biden shaking a reproving forefinger, a “progressive” news outlet that calls itself the Courier Newsroom says pfft! Of course, neither Trump nor his Operation Warp Speed had anything to do with the Pfizer announcement, you tools. C’mon, maaan!

Of course, the media are wrong.

The CEO of Pfizer may have abject contempt for President Trump, but she’s not getting away with telling The New York Times that her company’s pursuit of the vaccine has nothing to do with Operation Warp Speed. Her pants are charred from a four-alarm fire.

Pfizer did have a deal with the Trump Administration’s Operation Warp Speed. Pfizer says their German partners funded R&D for the vaccine, but Warp Speed gave the pharmaceutical firm $2 billion – with a big B – to “produce and distribute” a COVID vaccine. Even Yahoo News,  under a story with the head-shaking headline, “So is Pfizer part of Operation Warp Speed or not? Yes and no.”

At the same time, on July 22, Pfizer agreed to a $1.95 billion deal with the Trump administration “for large-scale production and nationwide delivery of 100 million doses of a COVID-19 vaccine in the United States following the vaccine’s successful manufacture and approval.”

Technically, that agreement has nothing to do with the development of the vaccine. But it also appears to undermine the claim that Pfizer is operating entirely outside Operation Warp Speed.

A senior administration official told Yahoo News that since “the early days of March when President Trump convened pharmaceutical companies at the White House, Pfizer has been a part of the incredible public-private partnership forged to combat the coronavirus pandemic. Additionally, the nearly 2 billion dollars awarded to Pfizer will go a long way in the manufacturing and distribution of the Pfizer vaccine in development.”


Oh, we see. The government worked a deal for Pfizer to disseminate – what? – someone else’s vaccine?

Look for more gaslighting by Joe Biden’s PR department in the media as we get closer to final election results.

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