That Freelance Job-Killing Law Is So Bad That the California Legislature May Dump It Next Week

(AP Photo/Richard Vogel, File)

Former California union lobbyist and organizer Lorena Gonzalez barely lost her stride when she transitioned from her spot at the AFL-CIO into her role as California state assemblywoman in 2013. Since then, Gonzalez has done everything she can to turn working Californians into unionistas. To her, every subset of people is a potential bargaining unit. And to that end, she authored the disastrous Assembly Bill 5 (AB5) to destroy freelance work and eviscerate the so-called gig economy.


Everyone, Democrats included, scorn this law that would deprive them of the flexibility of working when they want, for whom they want – themselves. And they’re as mad as hornets that someone would presume to tell them how to schedule their time.

It’s amazing, but Gonzalez and those who voted for this monstrosity have managed to tick off a huge swath of the electorate.

Performers are angry:

Court interpreters are hopping mad:

Certified health care interpreters are going to state lawmakers asking, hat in hand, for an exemption because it will kill their businesses:


Truckers are angry:

Musicians and composers are singing the blues:

Some people are moving out:


Next week, Republican Assemblyman Kevin Kiley is hoping that enough California lawmakers have received enough blowback to put a stop to the madness.

He’s proposing to “suspend” AB 5 on February 27. His proposed bill, AB 1928,  would essentially moot the law and freeze it until it can be rewritten.

Kiley says the governor has ignored the issue:

As California Political Review explains:

If this [AB 1928] passes, the Democrats will have to re-do the legislation or put it on hold until all those who lose their income and the communities that need and want their services can find a legitimate avenue. In reality, this was written by the unions, for the unions and meant to force workers to pay bribes (dues) if they wanted to work.

I urge you to contact your Assembly member—even the Democrats, asking them to vote YES on suspension. This is very important.


They should just blow up AB 5 and pretend it never happened, but Kiley’s a Republican and California Democrats have a supermajority. They can do anything they want – including destroying the jobs of millions of Californians. They couldn’t have destroyed more jobs if they’d planned it. Maybe next week the Assembly rolls it back.

An earlier version of this article misattributed the quote from CPR to Assemblyman Kiley. 


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