Democrat Al Green Dramatically Points to Photo of 'Suffering' Toddler to Call for Trump's Impeachment. About that Photo...

Texas Representative Al Green points to debunked photo of child 'separated' from family at the border.

Amid all the fanciful tales and fever dreams of Democratic Texas Congressman Al Green about Donald Trump, he’s been honest about one thing during the Democrats’ march toward impeachment. He admitted he’s afraid that if Democrats don’t impeach him now, Trump might win re-election. Indeed, Green gave away the game with that observation


Now, in the congressman’s latest appeal to impeach Trump – and there have been many over the years  – he brought along a visual aid to urge his colleagues to impeach Trump for the “sake of the many who are suffering.” That’s right, Green wants to impeach Trump for “the children.”

And behold the photo Green put on the easel:

Rep. Al Green, D-Texas, speaks as the House of Representatives debates the articles of impeachment against President Donald Trump at the Capitol in Washington, Wednesday, Dec. 18, 2019. (House Television via AP)

If that adorable toddler looks familiar it’s because she was, for about a minute, the poster child for family separations at the border. The Honduran girl’s photo was featured on the cover of Time Magazine, photoshopped with President Trump in what may be the most despicably unfair photojournalistic hit job in decades.


As you may know by now, that story about the crying child was entirely debunked. The child wasn’t crying because she was separated from her family. Border Patrol agents, who intercepted the girl and her mother in Texas, say the child was tired and thirsty and, like most toddlers, cried to her mom to get her something to drink. She was never separated from her mom.


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