Liberals, Journos Cheer Beto's 'Hell Yes, We're Gonna Take Your AR-15' Line

(AP Photo/David J. Phillip)

In the third Democratic debate on Wednesday, former Rep. Beto O’Rourke (D-Texas) made it clear he wants to confiscate Americans’ firearms, so long as they are what he considers “weapons of war.” His campaign, liberals, and mainstream media journalists saw this as a stand-out moment, but if Beto takes the Democratic nomination, this video will become one of President Donald Trump’s most powerful attack ads.


O’Rourke told America’s gun owners he would confiscate their guns. He framed it as a distinction between weapons for defense and weapons of war, but the Second Amendment defends Americans’ gun rights in order to arm the militia.

“If it’s a weapon that was designed to kill people on the battlefield,” O’Rourke said he would support taking it away from Americans. “Hell yes, we’re going to take your AR-15, your AK-47.”

A host of liberal celebrities and media figures praised this stand-out moment.

Liberal filmmaker Ava DuVernay called it the debate “highlight so far for me.”

Arianna Huffington, founder of HuffPost, noted that Beto got the “biggest applause of the night.”


CNN reporter Eric Bradner claimed this was Beto’s “best debate moment yet.”

PBS News Hour’s Yamiche Alcindor claimed that Beto’s statement “turned Republicans’ argument that Democrats will take away guns on its head.”


Transgender activist, military veteran, and gun owner Charlotte Clymer called O’Rourke’s “take your guns” statement an “absolutely perfect line.”

Yet, as Blaze Media’s director of engagement, Jason Howerton, noted, Beto’s standout moment will likely become “one of the most effective campaign ads [Donald Trump] will have during the entire election season.”

This moment illustrates America’s political polarization perfectly. Democrat Beto O’Rourke has said something clear: he will take away America’s guns so long as he determines they are weapons of war. Liberals cheer, thinking he has notched a victory against supporters of the Second Amendment. Conservatives rightly see a confirmation that liberals want to take away their guns, undermining Americans’ ability to form a militia and undermining their ability to defend their homes if need be.


I’m with Howerton: I think this statement is more of a liability than an asset.

Follow Tyler O’Neil, the author of this article, on Twitter at @Tyler2ONeil.


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