Planned Parenthood Gave Mentally Ill 20-Year-Old Transgender Drugs, Mother Claims


WASHINGTON, D.C. — Radical feminists spoke against the transgender movement and the “Equality Act” at the Heritage Foundation on Monday. Jennifer Chavez, a member of the board of directors at the Women’s Liberation Front (WoLF), shared stories from distressed mothers whose children believed themselves to be transgender. In one particularly horrifying case, a mother said that her mentally ill daughter received permission for cross-sex hormones by going to Planned Parenthood, circumventing her psychiatrist entirely.


The anonymous woman said her daughter insisted she was really male in college. “This narrative matched nothing about her past, but I was still naive,” Chavez quoted the mother as saying.

“Because her psychiatrist did not consider her transgender, I assumed she would be unable to get a referral for the testosterone she was determined to start. I was wrong,” the WoLF board member added. That’s where Planned Parenthood came in.

“In only one visit and with just a little bit of blood work, Planned Parenthood will cheerfully enable young women and men to pursue their ‘authentic selves’ through cross-sex hormones,” Chavez quoted. “All that’s needed is a few bucks and signing a form that the risks have been disclosed and understood. That is the route my daughter took at the tender age of 20, bypassing her psychiatrist altogether.”

The irate parents complained to Planned Parenthood, thinking they could reverse this situation.

“My husband wrote to Planned Parenthood, explaining [our daughter’s] mental health history, and providing her doctor’s name and telephone number,” Chavez read from the woman’s statement. “Planned Parenthood’s lawyer wrote back curtly that they presume anyone over 18 is capable of giving informed consent.”


“No matter what anyone thinks of Planned Parenthood’s other services, the fact that they will instantly prescribe powerful hormones with many unknown long-term effects — especially to people with underlying mental health issues — should shock the conscience,” Chavez said, reading the mother’s conclusion. “People need to know this is Planned Parenthood’s new line of business.”

Chavez testified on a panel with two other feminists and a man who formerly identified as a woman. Kara Dansky, a lawyer and WoLF spokeswoman, argued that the transgender movement is a “men’s rights movement,” and claimed that the “Equality Act” — which would make transgender identity a protected class in civil rights law — should be named the “Women’s Erasure Act.”

Julia Beck — a lesbian and former member of the Baltimore mayor’s LGBTQ Commission — testified that lesbians are often encouraged to sleep with biological men who identify as women, with these men openly aiming to break the “cotton ceiling” (referring to a lesbian woman’s underpants).


Yet perhaps the most grotesque aspect of the transgender movement involves its abuse of medicine. Hacsi Horvath, a man who formerly identified as a woman and an epidemiology lecturer at the University of California, San Francisco, denounced transgenderism as based on faulty science.

“If you look at it very critically, you can see right through the spin,” Horvath argued. “The science is complete junk and people go along with it because they don’t know how to assess bias in a study.”

Indeed, many of the puberty blockers and cross-sex hormones used to “treat” people suffering from gender dysphoria (the persistent identification with the gender opposite one’s biological sex) are dangerous and have not been fully tested or approved. The Christian Post’s Brandon Showalter has written a powerful expose about the dangers of Lupron, a drug used to fight prostate cancer and to treat sex offenders, being used on children who suffer from gender dysphoria.


The woman in Chavez’s story would not have received Lupron, but the long-term effects of testosterone in women are not fully known. Cross-sex hormones will produce permanent effects, and women who have rejected a male transgender identity have been permanently scarred by these medical interventions.

Planned Parenthood’s activism for transgender identity should not come as a surprise. The abortion giant has released guidance for parents of preschoolers, encouraging moms and dads to teach their little ones that “genitals don’t make you a boy or a girl.”

Last March, the abortion giant tweeted, “We need a disney [sic] princess who’s trans,” and another who is an “undocumented immigrant,” and another “who’s actually a union worker.” Planned Parenthood considers transgender identity just another liberal cause to support, but these radical feminists have warned that this movement erases women and lesbians in particular.

Yet Planned Parenthood’s decision to support transgender identity — even in cases where a psychiatrist will testify that the woman in question is mentally ill, rather than transgender — takes this activism to a whole new level. According to the mother Chavez quoted, there is no evidence the abortion giant followed up with the psychiatrist.


Planned Parenthood wasn’t interested in this poor young girl’s health, but rather in promoting the transgender agenda. The abortion giant would guide a patient toward self-harm rather than questioning whether or not that person is truly transgender. That’s abusive.

Follow the author of this article on Twitter at @Tyler2ONeil.


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