Dem Congressman Makes Misogynistic Joke, Feminists Silent

For all the left’s hyperventilation over President Trump and his supposed misogyny, the left won’t play by their own rules.

For example, take Rep. Cedric Richmond of Louisiana. When a photo surfaced showing Trump adviser Kellyanne Conway with her bare feet tucked under her as she sat on a sofa in the Oval Office, he felt obliged to comment:


“You even mentioned Kellyanne and that picture on that sofa,” Rep. Richmond said during his speech to Republican Sen. Tim Scott who was at the event. “I really want to know what was going on there because she really looked kind of familiar in that position there, but don’t answer.”

Rep. Richmond told The Daily Caller in a statement, “Since some people have interpreted my joke to mean something that it didn’t I think it is important to clarify what I meant. Last night was night of levity. Where I grew up saying that someone is looking or acting ‘familiar’ simply means that they are behaving too comfortably.”

“I decided to use that joke due to the large social media backlash over her inappropriate posture considering there were more than 60 HBCU Presidents in the room,” the Louisiana Democrat added.


We’re going with the “where I grew up” defense for a comment that any competent staffer should have seen and recognized just might be taken wrong?

After all, this was a speech, meaning it wasn’t an off-the-cuff remark. These appear to be prepared remarks, and neither he nor his staff had the brainpower to see it as a misogynistic slur against a woman.

Had Richmond offered an apology for his tasteless comments and left it there, I honestly wouldn’t have cared too much. People make bad, inappropriate jokes. However, Richmond is a member of Congress, and was speaking publicly about one of the president’s closest advisers.

So where’s the feminist outrage? Oh, right — conservatives.


Had someone made such a comment about Valerie Jarrett, for example, and offered the same defense, we all know what would have happened. Wailings and lamentations on levels not recorded previously in human history — and for pretty good reason, to be honest.

The fact that Richmond did so during National Women’s Month just adds salt to the wound, especially when we know Richmond was at least familiar with the celebration:

Richmond would do well to step back and say, “You know what? It was out of line. I’m sorry,” then move on. But the feminists who are ignoring this — much like they did almost everything Bill Clinton did to women in his lifetime — are a different matter.

Remember Cedric Richmond every time a feminist demands your outrage when it’s politically convenient for them. Once again, we see that identity politics aren’t about the identity, just about the votes.


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