Poll Shows What Americans Really Think of Celebrity Political Endorsements

(AP Photo/Julio Cortez)

Bad news for the Democrats: one of their best lazy go-to campaign strategies doesn’t seem to have the firepower they think it does:

The Hill:

A large majority of registered voters say political endorsements from celebrities have no impact on their voting, according to a new poll.

A Hill-HarrisX survey released Friday found that 65 percent of respondents said political pronouncements from Hollywood stars have no bearing on their decisions at the ballot box.


In 2016, the celebrity endorsement was all the rage for Granny Maojackets. While Trump was out holding rallies in small towns in swing states, Hillary was deep in the chardonnay at concerts in her honor that were in cities she was going to win anyway.

Hollywood does have the power to influence things, that much I know is true. Television and movies can introduce and sustain leftist narratives, but that’s a slow process.

Democrats bank on celebrities being able to immediately motivate voters. That obviously is not the case if one believes this poll.

An even more interesting finding of the poll is exactly how celebrity endorsements can affect voters’ choices:

Twenty-four percent said endorsements would make them less likely to vote for a particular candidate, while 11 percent said the celebrity endorsements made them more likely to vote a certain way.

Beautiful…when the endorsements do make a voter go one way or the other, they push them the other way.


The Democrats seem to have not gotten this message, which bodes well for President Trump. They will probably have an un-heavenly host of entertainment types at their climate change debate.

And Trump will probably be doing a rally in Akron that night.


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