Uh Oh: Joe Biden Gives Us His ‘Word as a Biden’ That He’s Optimistic About America’s Future

AP Photo/Patrick Semansky

On Sunday, whoever pretends to be Old Joe Biden on Twitter tweeted: “My word as a Biden: I’ve never been more optimistic about America’s future than I am today.” And that can only mean one thing: some immense disaster is looming.


One thing is certain: the Biden impersonator has the old man’s canned patter down cold. The Liar-In-Chief, throughout his endless career of mendacity and grift in Washington, has often used the phrase “my word as a Biden,” as if that word were actually worth something. But considering Old Joe’s obvious disdain for the truth, when he gives his “word as a Biden” that something is true, that’s a solid signal that it’s actually false. So when Biden gives us his “word as a Biden” that he is optimistic about the nation’s future, something truly terrible must be in the offing.

Old Joe’s Twitter impersonator also used the phrase back in September 2021, declaring: “I give you my word as a Biden: If you make under $400,000 a year, I’ll never raise your taxes one cent. But, I’m going to make those at the top start to pay their share in taxes. It’s only fair.” The Heritage Foundation blew the whistle on that lie, reporting that contrary to Biden’s claims, “nearly 6 million taxpayers taking home less than $100,000 per year would see their taxes go up in 2023 under the Biden legislation. Biden would even hike taxes on hundreds of thousands of families earning less than $20,000 per year. And things get worse for the middle class the longer Biden’s tax increases are on the books. By 2027, more than half of all families earning $75,000 to $100,000 would see their taxes go up by a total of more than $3 billion.” Hey, what did you expect? He gave us his word as a Biden!


Biden also used the phrase on March 24, 2020, publishing on Facebook a graphic that stated: “No president can promise to prevent future outbreaks, but I can promise you this: when I’m president, we will be better prepared, respond better, and recover better. We’ll lead with science and listen to the experts. And I will always tell you the truth.” (Emphasis in the original.) He added: “I give you my word as a Biden.”

The serial liar also gave his “word as a Biden” on a campaign story he told about a Navy captain who tried to refuse a Silver Star after trying and failing to save a wounded comrade. The story, as it turned out, was completely false, and Biden must have known that when he was giving us his word as a member of this notoriously upright clan that it was the God’s honest truth. In December 2022, Old Joe recast the same story to make it about his uncle Frank being awarded a Purple Heart. That was two months after even the New York Times decided that Biden’s lying was so obvious and out of control that it required some spin. The Times informed us that “Biden, Storyteller in Chief, Spins Yarns That Often Unravel.” That’s all it was, see. It wasn’t as if he were a deeply dishonest man or anything like that.

The Times recounted how he has repeatedly exaggerated the story of a trivial kitchen fire twenty years ago and then added, “The exaggerated biography that Mr. Biden tells includes having been a fierce civil rights activist who was repeatedly arrested. He has claimed to have been an award-winning student who earned three degrees. And last week, speaking on the hurricane-devastated island of Puerto Rico, he said he had been ‘raised in the Puerto Rican community at home, politically.’” And there are so very many others that longtime Biden listeners can’t help but start wondering if the man has ever said anything honest in his entire endless political life.


Related: Joe Biden’s Life Story Is a Lie

As far as the Times is concerned, however, Biden’s addiction to lying is entirely benign. You see, it’s all because sometimes he gets carried away when trying to relate to his audience: “For more than four decades, Mr. Biden has embraced storytelling as a way of connecting with his audience, often emphasizing the truth of his account by adding, ‘Not a joke!’ in the middle of a story. But Mr. Biden’s folksiness can veer into folklore, with dates that don’t quite add up and details that are exaggerated or wrong, the factual edges shaved off to make them more powerful for audiences.” Ah, the poor guy! Sometimes his “folksiness can veer into folklore,” that’s all! He’s just a charming old fellow telling stories!

In reality, the very phrase “my word as a Biden” is testimony to the alleged president’s dishonesty. When have Joe or Hunter Biden ever been known for honesty or integrity? In using this phrase, Old Joe is trying to hoodwink his audiences into thinking that he and his family are as upright as they are corrupt in reality. It’s manipulation on top of mendacity. And now that he has used it to proclaim his optimism over our national prospects, all we can do is brace ourselves.


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