AOC Claims U.S. Is Facing an 'Environment of Fascism' Ahead of Midterms

AP Photo/Andrew Harnik, Pool

Rep. Alexandra Ocasio-Cortez (D-N.Y.) went on her favorite TV network — MSNBC — and talked about her favorite subject: fascism.

Her constant accusations of fascism against Republicans can only mean that she’s obsessed with the ideology. Is she so enamored of fascism that she has a photo of Adolf in her closet?


It’s got to be something. She can’t continuously describe her political opponents as “fascists” unless she doesn’t have a clue what “fascism” actually means. Of course, that would put her in the same boat as those who actually call themselves “fascists,” although they, too, are totally clueless about what a fascist actually believes.

I guess she thinks that by calling Republicans “fascists,” she believes it makes her sound like she knows what she’s talking about. The dozen or so “real” fascists in the world laugh at her, of course. Those guys wouldn’t take an American right-winger into their little fascist clique any more than they’d take AOC, although they probably see her as being closer to their ideology than any right-wing nut.

Anyway, name-calling on the left isn’t half as imaginative as it is on the right. So AOC is pretty much stuck using the “F” word when she wants to sound important and hurt the feelings of conservatives.

Washington Examiner:

The New York congresswoman made the statement during an interview on Friday, when she compared voter suppression in U.S. history to recent alleged voter suppression. The specific instance she was discussing was when men in tactical gear were photographed close to a drop box in a suburb of Phoenix last week, according to MSNBC.

“This type of intimidation at the polls brings us to Jim Crow. It brings us back and hearkens back to a very unique form of American apartheid that is not that long passed ago,” Ocasio-Cortez said. “And we have never fully healed from it, and those wounds threaten to rip right back open if we do not strongly defend democracy in the United States of America.”


So she fit “fascism” in nicely, and the “Jim Crow” reference was outstanding — a truly empty political attack. But the trifecta eluded her. I’m speaking, of course, of the accusation that Republicans want to kill women.

Most Republican men I know sort of like women, finding them very useful creatures for a wide variety of tasks as well as being goddesses to be worshipped and adored. And as far as killing them, there’s not much call for that — unless they’re girl babies, in which case Democrats like AOC want to do most of the killing.

Rep. Jamie Raskin (D-MD), who was also with Ocasio-Cortez in the interview, discussed “replacement theory,” which he described as the fear of Caucasian people not being the majority in the U.S. in the near future, and accused Republicans of “playing on that fear.” The representative stated that the way to address this fear is to recognize that a majority of U.S. residents recognize the country as the biggest “multiracial, multiethnic, multireligious constitutional democracy.”

Perhaps if Democrats like Joe Biden and AOC would work harder to close the border rather than fling the doors wide open for any and all to enter, such nonsensical theories wouldn’t take hold. But AOC wants her open borders as well as the ability to criticize those who think that’s a very bad idea.


She shouldn’t be allowed to have both.


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