Democrats Trying to Widen the Gulf Between GOP and Corporations

(AP Photo/Richard Drew, File)

It truly is a godsend. Corporations, terrified of the mob, are bending the knee and worshipping at the altar of wokeness. It’s not surprising. Many of the largest corporations are consumer product companies that dread being seen as not “socially conscious.”


The bottom line — literally — is that no corporation is going to lose any money getting in bed with the Democrats and their mob.

Naturally, Democrats are trying to take advantage of this split in an alliance that had lasted for decades. It’s been a long time coming. Republicans were shocked to learn that many big companies don’t care about free markets and open competition. They haven’t cared for years. But companies also don’t like a lot of government interference in their operations and high taxes, so corporations tried to play both sides against the middle, donating to both Democrats and Republicans while trying to stay clear of the culture wars.

“You will be made to care,” warned Erick Erickson several years ago. Eventually, the mob came for the corporations. And the corporations surrendered.

The MLB All-Star game boycott of Georgia was only the beginning. One hundred corporations are now on board for a Georgia boycott. Now, hundreds of corporate executives are swearing fealty to Joe Biden’s climate agenda.

Daily Caller:

More than 300 executives at major U.S. corporations signed an open letter to President Joe Biden, urging him to set a stricter federal emissions goal to curb climate change.

The 310 executives asked Biden to increase federal standards and put the U.S. on track to cut emissions 50% below 2005 levels within a decade and reduce emissions to net-zero by 2050, according to a coalition press release. The letter was sent to Biden on Tuesday and was organized by the We Mean Business Coalition and the nonprofit organization Ceres.


“To restore the standing of the U.S. as a global leader, we need to address the climate crisis at the pace and scale it demands,” the executives wrote. “Specifically, the U.S. must adopt an emissions reduction target that will place the country on a credible pathway to reach net-zero emissions by 2050.”

It doesn’t matter whether these executives “believe” in climate change, or that cutting emissions will do anything to affect global climate. It’s good business, isn’t it?

Meanwhile, Democrats are courting the suddenly unmoored corporations. The Dems don’t give a rat’s patootie about business, but the company’s dollars are just as green as money from woke liberal groups.


Inside the White House, they are warming to corporate America, too. Biden and his team believe that while the two sides may be at loggerheads over tax rates, they can use business leaders to help move other policy priorities. They talk regularly with corporate America and the White House is considering forming an advisory group of business leaders in much the same way as other recent presidents, including Trump and Barack Obama.

“We said early on … that we would engage the business community and we would reach out and we would have interactions,” Cedric Richmond, director of the White House Office of Public Engagement, said in an interview. “You have to realize those are major employers of probably millions of Americans. You can’t not talk to them.”

“What President Biden realizes is that business is now ready to engage and they are an important voice at the table,” said Valerie Jarrett, who served as President Obama’s liaison to corporate America. “Big business isn’t simply relying on Republicans to look out for their interests. They’re looking out for their own interests and getting more involved.”

For far too long, Republicans took corporate dollars for granted. To now say they don’t need the company’s money is stupid. Where else are they going to get half a billion dollars in campaign funds? Perhaps they can try the Mormons.

There will be some fence-mending only because the interests of both the Republican Party and American business intersect in too many places. The companies may play nice with the Democrats for a while, but when push comes to shove on taxes and interference by the government in traditional business practices, they won’t be talking to Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren.



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