Democrats Working Overtime to Tie Congressional Republicans to the Riot

AP Photo/David Zalubowski

It’s too bad dueling has been outlawed. If an occasion ever called for pistols at 20 paces, this is it.

Democratic Rep. Steve Cohen is all but accusing Colorado Rep. Lauren Boebert of conducting a “reconnaissance tour” of the Capitol “sometime after the 3rd and before the 6th” of January with a large group of people. The accusation is that some of the people on that tour were among those who breached the Capitol building on the 6th.


The Democrat is accusing Boebert of what amounts to aiding and abetting an insurrection.

The Grio:

“We saw Congressman Boebert taking a group of people for a tour sometime after the 3rd and before the 6th,” Cohen remarked on CNN. His memory was triggered by Rep. John Yarmuth, who witnessed the alleged tours with Cohen.

“She had a large group with her …It was pretty clear that her team is the team…she is not on the home team, she was with the visitors,” he claimed.

Cohen has been unable to identify anyone who was on the tour as someone who also participated in the riot and Capitol breach.

Boebert pushed back against the smear.

She later issued a statement:

Representative Cohen’s claim that he saw me give a reconnaissance tour with people not on the team is 100% false. I have never given any tours of the U.S. Capitol in the 117th Congress to anyone besides family members in town for my swearing in. As Members of Congress, we have a duty to elevate the discourse and unify during times of crisis. Unfortunately, Rep. Cohen instead chose to go on CNN today to repeat irresponsible lies in order to elevate his own political relevance and to further fuel the division of our country.

Let me be clear—all of your claims and implications are categorically false,” Boebert wrote. “I have never given a tour of the U.S. Capitol to any outside group. As I previously stated, I brought my family to the Capitol on January 2nd for a tour and on the 3rd for pictures to commemorate the day I was sworn in as a Member of the U.S. Congress. Again, the only people I have ever had in the Capitol with me during the 117th Congress are my young children, husband, mom, aunt and uncle.


Boebert’s response is pretty definitive. It sounds to me like Cohen owes Rep. Boebert an apology.

She won’t get it, of course. Democrats can now make any accusation against any Republican — no matter how baseless — and have it covered widely in the media. The knives are out and Republicans are the targets.

Cohen can’t identify anyone on the tour, whether they were part of the riot or not. He doesn’t even remember the exact date. And yet, his smear is a big story, even though not one shred of evidence was offered. In fact, it was “anti-evidence” that Cohen used in his smear. He is basically demanding that Boebert prove that she didn’t assist rioters in a “reconnaissance tour” of the Capitol.

It’s surreal. The anti-right hysteria is being driven by people who know exactly what they’re doing. The Democrats have been given all the ammunition they need to suppress conservative thought and they won’t hesitate to use it.

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