Bernie Sanders Really, Really, Really Hates Billionaires

(AP Photo/Charlie Neibergall)

Bernie Sanders really, really, really, hates billionaires.





The massive amount of money spent on the ad campaign is significantly more than each Democratic candidate, with the exception of billionaire Tom Steyer, spent on ads in 2019. The Hill reported that Bloomberg’s ad campaign is the largest amount any candidate has spent for a week of advertising.

“It’s just the latest example of a rigged political system that we are going to change when we’re in the White House,” Sanders said.

Sanders also set himself apart from the billionaire candidate in the release, emphasizing the grassroots support and growth that his 2016 campaign had. “If you can’t build grassroots support for your candidacy, you have no business running for president,” he said.

Donald Trump will likely have more than a billion dollars to spend, largely because he doesn’t have any serious primary challengers. He can husband his resources for the post convention blitz and bury any Democrat who challenges him — except, maybe, Bloomberg.

Sanders declared that the former mayor’s late decision to join the race is mainly informed by the amount of money he can spend on his campaign. He advised that many voters will see through Bloomberg’s efforts. “The American people are sick and tired of the power of billionaires, and I suspect they won’t react well to someone trying to buy an election,” he said.


Sanders is behind the times. People have been seeing through rich men running for president since the days of Nelson Rockefeller. And how many candidates in recent years have outspent their opponents by a huge margin, only to end up losing on Election Day?

Sanders just doesn’t like super rich people. And neither does his nemesis Elizabeth Warren.

Sanders’ fellow presidential candidate Senator Elizabeth Warren also weighed in on Bloomberg’s campaign spending. Referencing her proposed wealth tax, which would place taxes on households with a net worth of $50 million or more, the senator called out the former New York mayor for his excessive spending. “That’s one way to pay less under my #WealthTax. Because in a Warren administration, he and his billionaire friends would finally have to pay their fair share,” she tweeted.

Who decides how much is too much? If someone reaches a certain level of wealth, do you just confiscate the rest? Sanders thinks yes.


Bloomberg, at last count worth $54 billion, is in the crosshairs of the radical left whose hysterical envy of those who have become hugely successful would be unseemly in any other age. But today, they’re in the mainstream of the Democratic Party.


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