Florida Sheriff Reveals Teen Mom Killed Baby in 'Sick' Way, and Her Motive Is Ice Cold

AP Photo/Eric Gay

There are a lot of sick and evil people in the world who do deplorable things for a lot of twisted reasons. A good case in point is a teenage mom from Florida who allegedly killed her own baby by feeding him formula mixed with what she originally believed was cocaine so she could take a nap. Anyone else want off the planet now?


According to Fox News, the substance added to the formula was not cocaine. It was fentanyl. The dose she gave the child was enough to kill ten human beings, according to Nassau County Sheriff Bill Leeper during a press conference that was held on Thursday. When first responders showed up on the scene, the 10-month-old boy was unconscious in the living room with no pulse. None of the life-saving measures employed were enough to save the baby’s life.

Due to the age of the mother, her name was not released to the public. She allegedly fed local law enforcement lie after lie that investigators examining the case kept catching her in until, at last, she confessed and shared what really happened, the sheriff stated.

One question that should probably be asked is where the girl’s mother and father were during all of this. What’s her home life like? Has she had some sort of rough upbringing? A person isn’t this careless when she comes from a loving home, so there’s a sneaking suspicion that a lot of her own behavior has been learned from those who were supposed to be caregivers and role models. As of this writing, there’s been no mention of what the young mom’s environment has been like.


Raising a child is no easy task. Anyone who has ever been a parent knows that those first few months — in some cases years — are sleepless. It’s hard on even the best of adults, let alone the difficulty it poses to those who are still children themselves, like this young mother. That’s exactly what Leeper said referring to the condition of the mom, stating she was tired and in desperate need of sleep. That’s pretty common, right?

What’s not common, Leeper pointed out, is what she put in the baby’s bottle in order to make the child go to sleep. Right after filling her child’s bottle with formula, the teenage mom got an orange pill container out of the bathroom and then poured the substance inside into the bottle, believing it was cocaine.

One of the first things that pops into my mind is why in the world this girl thought giving her child cocaine would cause the kid to fall asleep. It’s a stimulant. It hypes users up, like a Red Bull on steroids. This was going to have the exact opposite effect. And why in the world would drugging a baby be considered a valid solution for a sleepless baby? There’s no way the young woman in this case was stupid enough not to know better.


“She laid him down in his crib to go to sleep, and he never woke up,” Leeper explained. “Now who does that? What mother would do that? That’s not normal. That’s sick … Babies are the most vulnerable among us. They’re dependent on us for everything.”

Leeper then held up a Mickey Mouse bottle that was stored in an evidence bag he said was found at the scene of the incident and tested. The official cause of death recorded by the medical examiner was fentanyl poisoning.

The mother has now been charged with aggravated manslaughter and possession of a controlled substance. As the girl was being booked, Leeper stated that the mother spoke with police officers saying she hadn’t had a period in a while, meaning she might be pregnant again. Because she apparently learned absolutely nothing from what happened last time.


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