Suspended! The Ghislaine Maxwell Trial Tracker Twitter Account Did Not Kill Itself

AP Photo/John Minchillo, File

Federal courts are not televised (for reasons that are not good enough, in my opinion). Because of that, the trial of Jeffrey Epstein’s girlfriend and madam, Ghislaine Maxwell, who is charged with sex trafficking and conspiracy, is being held behind closed doors. Everyone knows that this is better for the powers that be, but we aren’t allowed to talk about it. And speaking of the things we aren’t allowed to say, the Twitter account with half a million followers called @TrackerTrial got suspended for… well, we’re not sure… but you know. 


According to the anonymous founder of the account, writing on The Free Press Report via Substack, it wasn’t made clear to him (or her) either, but Twitter killed it just the same. “I woke up this morning and the @TrackerTrial account on Twitter was suspended. All the other accounts that I have made in the past were also suspended,” the author wrote. The only explanation Twitter gave was something nebulous about “platform manipulation” and “spam.” Yeah, sure. The account resurfaced a few hours later under the name @TrackerTrial2 with a mere 28k followers. Mission accomplished, Big Tech.

Coverage of the Maxwell trial has been sparse. Even the judge complained that the exhibits were too redacted. Why are they giving redacted documents to a judge? I would laugh at the audacity of the cover-up, but kids were sex-trafficked and everyone who took part in it should get thrown into prison forever. That’s never going to happen and it makes me livid. (Why isn’t Prince Andrew on trial, again?)

So what’s the real reason the account was suspended? Here’s a theory. The last two tweets on the account before the suspension may have been those pictured below. Did the info in them get too hot for the FBI? The tweets said:


Evidence found during the Epstein raid included a tub full of hard drives, over 20,000 physical and digital photos, diamonds, cash, and Austrian passport listing a different name with a Saudi Arabian address.

When the FBI seized these hard drives and CDs (storing images) they appeared with corresponding FBI evidence tags already present on them, suggesting FBI and law enforcement officials had already been in possession of, reviewed, and returned Epstein’s hard drives.

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The Telegraph reported on the FBI bumbling (or was it sabotage?) in this case.

Boxes of CDs and hard drives were discovered in several rooms in Epstein’s eight-storey Upper East Side apartment in Manhattan, including in a so-called massage room. Some, Agent McGuire testified, had “evidence tape” sealing them. She told the court the tape had not been put there by police.

Also disturbing is that the first time the FBI raided Epstein’s home, they didn’t have a proper warrant for the hard drives so they left them in Epstein’s possession. When they came back with a warrant, the hard drives were gone. Did they put the evidence tape on them when they took photos? Maybe. But it’s still weird to have planned to raid this billionaire sex trafficker’s house and not have a warrant for his hard drives. 


They took photographs of the items, but left them at the residence as they did not have the warrant to remove them. When they returned four days later, on July 11, they were no longer there. Agent Maguire, a member of an FBI Child Exploitation and Human Trafficking Task Force, said she then called Richard Kahn, Epstein’s lawyer who now serves as the executor of the later financier’s estate, to ask what happened to the items.
“Twenty to thirty minutes after the conversation, Richard Kahn came to the residence and brought them items back in two suitcases,” Agent Maguire said.

Is it possible the FBI is this incompetent? I think I would prefer that to the alternative.

The fact remains that this trial is the one chance we have to get answers to the Epstein sex-trafficking mystery and the powers that be are doing everything they can to make sure that doesn’t happen.


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