Sex Therapist Claims Trump Supporters Have a 'Homoerotic Attraction' to the President

(AP Photo/Eric Gay)

Have you had trouble getting excited since the 2016 election of Donald Trump? Or, does the new fascist dictator of America make you super turned on? If you can answer yes to either question then you may have “post-Trump sex disorder” or PTSD (negating the traumatic experiences of military vets and trauma victims everywhere). Do you have any mental issues like anxiety, stress disorders, suicidal thoughts, or depression? You can blame those on Trump too! It’s most definitely his fault because Dr.* Susan Block, a radio sex therapist who makes porn documentaries, says so in an interview with Salon:


For some people Trump’s campaign and presidency has created a type of PTSD — what I call “Post-Trump Sex Disorder.” Trump has created feelings of fear, loathing, and nausea. People just don’t want to have sex. This would mainly be seen with women who are just appalled at how creepy Trump is. He takes what is often a positive male attribute of confidence and pushes it way over the line into a rape-like and rape-entitled kind of arrogance.

Block does not elaborate on who these people might be who “don’t want to have sex” and gives no examples. The entire interview in Salon is her spouting off her opinions that have no basis in any reality, study, or research. It’s a mystery how this “doctor” got anywhere with her made-up diagnoses of non-existent people. Oh, but there’s more.

Never mind how this moment with Donald Trump is also reflected by many men who are dysfunctional and chronically frustrated and who don’t know how to properly approach women, and the lethally unhinged “incels.” We also cannot forget all of the “ammosexuals” who substitute their favorite guns for a working penis.

Hear that, gun nuts? You don’t have working penises. That’s why you love your guns so much. If only you had a working penis you could fight off intruders or invading government tyrants with it. There’s no actual study confirming that men who own guns have a problem with erectile dysfunction, but the “doctor” says you do, so Salon prints it like it’s a fact and gets mad when we call them #FakeNews.


This is an honest-to-God statement made by Salon reporter Chauncey DeVega, not a joke: “Most Americans of conscience, and decent people more generally, are appalled by Donald Trump’s personal and public behavior. Yet, there are others who are aroused by Donald Trump and see him as a symbol of sexual potency and power.”

Most Americans of conscience? Really? How did Salon find out those statistics? Who is measuring what a “conscience” is? I’d wager to bet that most conscientious Americans who didn’t want to see a lying, leftist lunatic run this country voted for Donald Trump (and I can prove that with election statistics).

Block goes on to defame Trump supporters without shame.

There is definitely a homoerotic attraction for Trump being experienced by his usually very homophobic male supporters. Both men and women really do find Trump to be an appealing “bad boy” and “evil daddy” who’s really hot… Trump’s supporters want to be spanked by him. Trump’s supporters want to be hugged by him. They want to be with him. They want to identify with him.

But it gets so much worse. According to Block, you conservative Christians out there want to have sex with your kids.

Many of these fathers are like Donald Trump and they have fantasies about their daughters. Hopefully, they’re not literally going after their daughters in bed . . . although some of them are. These fathers hold their daughters like they’re on a date. Donald Trump has also been very blatant in how he talks about his own daughter as well.

In total these “purity balls” are a way of establishing ownership over women. It reflects a broader American society which is very anti-sex. This is very old, this idea of utilizing sex for procreation so that daddy can be in control and have grandchildren and pass on his great fortune to his children. That’s the idea of sex in an ownership society, one which is patriarchal and heavily influenced by right-wing Christians.

Sure. Wanting your daughter to wait to have sex until marriage — thus avoiding STDs, heartbreak, unwanted pregnancies, abortions, and poverty — is exactly the same thing as incest and pedophilia. While nothing could be worse than accusing half the country of being pedophiles, she comes close again by insisting that you MAGA boys out there just want to have sex with other men. How this isn’t too racist and homophobic to print I’ll never know. I thought we weren’t allowed to mock homosexuality or use it as an insult? The rules are so hard to keep up with.

But these right-wing conservative men are very turned on by the thought of seeing their wives or girlfriends with other men. These men, the Trump supporters and especially the “alt-right” types love to use the word “cuck” as a type of insult. But in reality I would estimate that a lot of them, maybe most, are into the cuckold fantasy themselves… A lot of these white right-wing men, especially the “alt-right” types, would love to have sex with African-American men. But this could potentially ruin their social and political power if it became publicly known. But the fantasies still exist.

I would like to remind the reader that none of these suppositions are backed up by any facts or data. Salon basically interviewed a delusional whackjob with weird fantasies about conservatives and then printed it as “news.” Not only did they do that, but they didn’t edit out this incredibly disturbing segment where DeVega, the Salon reporter, says some minorities pay to be abused by white people and that’s “white supremacy.”


As unbelievable as it may sound, there are actually slave plantation retreats where black people go to be dominated by white people in a BDSM interracial role-playing experience. There are also other examples of that kink where blacks and Latinos and other nonwhites engage in “race play” with their intimate partners where the former act out “crossing the border” and being captured by the authorities, are servants or slaves who are subjected to racist abuse. Sometimes this takes the form of using racial slurs while having sex. To me these are all clear examples of internalized white supremacy and self-hatred

If anyone is paying to be degraded racially, that person has a serious mental illness. That’s not okay. And if a person willingly signs up for that, how can it be blamed on white people? This interview left me with more questions than answers, one of which is, when are the layoffs at Salon coming and am I the only one who thinks DeVega may have a future in coding?


*Susan Block holds a Ph.D. in philosophy. She is not a medical doctor. Nothing she has to say regarding sexuality in the Salon article is related to any medical study or scientific fact.


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