Blue Jays Cut Pitcher Who Shared Video Supporting Bud Light & Target Boycotts

AP Photo/Bruce Kluckhohn, File

Barely over a week after Toronto Blue Jays pitcher Anthony Bass issued an apology for sharing a video on social media giving reasons why Christians should boycott Bud Light and Target, the Blue Jays have made the decision to cut ties with him.


The team manager, Ross Atkins, claims that the primary factor behind the decision was Bass’s performance on the field. However, he also acknowledged that the distraction caused by the video was a contributing factor.

“There’s a myriad of variables,” Atkins claimed. “Performance is usually the driving one and performance was a large aspect of this decision. Distraction was a small part of it and something we had to factor in.”

Sure, a “small part.” Okay. Does anyone really believe that?

“We’re trying to build the best possible team we can build,” he continued. “This was a baseball decision to make our team better.”

Related: A Tale of Two Pitchers and Their Encounters With the Pride Mob

After the initial outrage over sharing the video, Bass issued an apology. “I recognize yesterday I made a post that was hurtful to the Pride community, which includes friends of mine and close family members of mine. And I am truly sorry for that,” he said.

“I just spoke with my teammates and shared with them my actions yesterday. I apologized with [sic] them, and as of right now I am using the Blue Jays’ resources to better educate myself to make better decisions moving forward,” Bass continued. “The ballpark is for everybody. We include all fans at the ballpark. We want to welcome everybody. That’s all I have to say.”


However, on Thursday Bass maintained that he stands by his beliefs.

“I stand by my personal beliefs,” he told reporters. “And everyone is entitled to their personal beliefs, right? Also, I mean no harm towards any groups of people.”

Bass also expressed his belief that the video he shared was not hateful.

“That’s why I posted it originally,” Bass explained. “When I look back at it, I can see how people would view it that way and that’s why I was apologetic.”

The news that Bass was cut came a day after the Boston Red Sox cut one of their own pitchers, Matt Dermody, over two-year-old tweets made when he wasn’t even on the team denouncing homosexuality as a sin.

“#PrideMonth. Homosexuals will not inherit the kingdom of God. They will go to hell. That is not my opinion, but the #Truth. Read 1 Corinthians 6:9. May we all examine our hearts, ask Jesus to forgive us, and repent for our sins. I love you all in Christ Jesus!” Dermody’s June 2021 tweet read.


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