Christian actor and author Kirk Cameron has written his second book for children called Pride Comes Before the Fall, published by Brave Books, to warn children about the dangers of pride. The book is illustrated and includes lessons about the importance of humility, faith, and character.
Kirk Cameron’s nationwide story-time tour has been a huge success so far. He has visited Indianapolis, New York, Savannah, Ga., Los Angeles, Nashville, Tenn., and Charlotte, N.C. Cameron’s next stop will be at the Seattle Public Library on May 27. The huge success of his events even in liberal enclaves is a true testament to just how much people are hungry for content that shares their values.
“People are waking up and coming out of the woodwork from every group of people imaginable,’ Cameron told PJ Media in an interview. “People are understanding that our nation and its values are being completely hijacked and infiltrated.”
Even though the library leaders claimed that their communities didn’t share the values Cameron was promoting, thousands of people from all walks of life have been attending his events.
“We’ve had thousands of people come to libraries whose leadership said their communities would not be interested in our values. That’s just not true. That’s just straight-up deception. And coming from Hollywood — the land of make-believe — its true perception is often not reality,” Cameron said. “And when I go to places like Indianapolis and Washington, D.C. and New York and San Francisco and Seattle and Chicago, you find that the leadership that is hijacked public schools and public libraries and the media does not represent the values of the people. And that’s why they show up saying, ‘You are giving voice to our values and to our concerns.'”
Cameron believes there is a strong desire among the people for America to rediscover the values that have historically brought blessings and protection. “So that’s why I’m doing what I’m doing,” he said. “Together with God’s help, we can turn America back to health and off of this path toward destruction.”
“There’s actually millions more of us who want to go the way of truth and beauty and goodness, but most of us have been blinded by the deception. That, interestingly, is rooted in pride that makes people afraid to speak up and to stand up,” he added.
“But it requires people to be brave,” he added. Cameron urges parents to be proactive because it’s not enough to just complain about the culture. “What do you think’s going to happen if we just sit on the couch, with our head in our hands watching Fox News crying in our Chick-fil-A soup?” he asked. “Don’t do that. Get in the game. You run the plays, you get in front of your children, and their education, and you create the culture you want so that they grow up in a world that is strong and healthy and leads to their blessing.”
Pride Comes Before the Fall is Cameron’s follow-up to his first children’s book, As You You Grow, and is his first book in a series warning children about the seven deadly sins.

While the desire to return to traditional American values is widespread, the elite progressives who are the gatekeepers of popular culture are actually in the minority. “They’ve just got the loudest megaphone, and they are very good and very tenacious and persistent in carrying out their plan,” Cameron explained. “But, they have an Achilles heel. And that is, they’re there on the side of pride, which always comes before destruction.”
Cameron cited the recent backlash against woke corporations as an example. “We see companies like Bud Light, Target, and others — these are giants in the land that are understanding that, when you’re so filled with pride, you think you can do anything you want, including upend morality and betray the values of your customers without consequence, you are headed for a great fall.”
Cameron emphasized the importance of taking the lead for the sake of our children. He pointed out that “there’s always been a battle of good versus evil” and that there may be times when things appear to worsen and challenges arise, but these circumstances serve as a wake-up call for individuals to stand up and fight for their children’s future. “Don’t outsource your parenting to people who want to groom your children, sexualize them, and teach them that God is evil and evil is good,” Cameron said. “It’s your job to teach them what’s right. That’s a sacred responsibility, and this is going to lead to blessing if we wake up now.”
Cameron urges Americans to actively build a future for their children. He said that “being armchair quarterbacks or social media warriors who just talk about things” won’t bring about the necessary change to our culture. “We need to actively proactively go build the future that we want for our kids by taking back their education and rebuilding the family.”
“You can’t save a nation if you can’t save your family,” Cameron warned. “If you’re not willing to fight for your marriage, and fight for your children, and what they’re learning in school, don’t bother fighting for the nation, it won’t work. So we got to start by reforming ourselves and having a personal revival in our hearts and in our homes. And if we can do that, God will put us in charge of greater things.”
Kirk hopes his new book will be “a great antidote to the messages of pride are being propagated throughout the nation” to our children.
Kirk Cameron will read his new book Pride Comes Before the Fall on Saturday, May 27, at the Seattle Public Library, 1000 4th Ave, Seattle, Wash., 98014, Level 4 Room 1 at 10:30 a.m. PT.
For more about Brave Books, visit their website.
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