Shout It Out Loud: KISS Guitarist Calls Transitioning Kids a ‘Dangerous Fad’

(AP Photo/Wayne Parry)

We’ve seen an increasing number of celebrities speaking out on or questioning the dangerous transgender cult in recent months and years, including J.K. Rowling, Dave Chapelle, and Elon Musk. Now KISS co-founder and guitarist Paul Stanley has weighed in on Twitter, expressing his concern about the normalization and encouragement of allowing kids with gender identity disorder to transition, which he believes are potentially harmful.


“There is a BIG difference between teaching acceptance and normalizing and even encouraging participation in a lifestyle that confuses young children into questioning their sexual identification as though some sort of game and then parents in some cases allow it,” he said in a statement posted to Twitter on Sunday.

“There ARE individuals who as adults may decide reassignment is their needed choice but turning this into a game or parents normalizing it as some sort of natural alternative or believing that because a little boy likes to play dress up in his sister’s clothes or a girl in her brother’s, we should lead them steps further down a path that’s far from the innocence of what they are doing,” he added. “With many children who have no real sense of sexuality or sexual experiences caught up in the ‘fun’ of using pronouns and saying what they identify as, some adults mistakenly confuse teaching acceptance with normalizing and encouraging a situation that has been a struggle for those truly affected and have turned it into a sad and dangerous fad.”

It is not clear what prompted the statement, but it is admirable that he’s taking a stand on this topic and using his voice to raise awareness about what he sees as a concerning trend. Even Dee Snider has spoken out in support of Stanley:


It gives me hope that more people are willing to speak out against the woke mob that wants to silence critics of the transgender cult. Anyone with a large platform willing to speak out, whether they are a liberal or conservative, needs our support, because the transgender cult is coming for our children.

We support these voices at PJ Media, even at the risk of being censored. That’s why we need your support as we challenge the transgender cult and defend sanity. By becoming a PJ Media member today, you can help us fight the censors. VIP members have access to a wealth of exclusive content. VIP Gold subscribers get even more. With VIP Gold, members can access all of the VIP content across the Townhall Media family (Townhall, RedState, PJ Media, and more) and participate in live chats — a nearly $300 value.

With your support, we can continue exposing the truth about these predators who are after our children and want to destroy our families. Use the promo code WOKE for a 25% discount today.

With your support, we can defeat the transgender cult. In fact, it already seems like the tide is turning on this issue. In July, London’s Tavistock Clinic, the only transgender clinic in England, closed due to concerns that doctors were performing surgeries without considering children’s mental health — a practice that is far too common here in the United States. A few months later, the UK’s National Health Service (NHS) banned puberty blockers in most cases and no longer recommends social transitioning for kids.


In fact, the United Kingdom, Finland, and France have all dialed down their pushing transgender “treatments” for children. So has Sweden, which abandoned recommending gender transitioning for children in December, arguing that the first line of treatment should be psychosocial support — not giving kids dangerous drugs and mutilating their bodies. In March, the Norwegian Healthcare Investigation Board followed suit.

This proves we can win if we stay united in defense of innocent children.


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