Sen. John Fetterman Rushed to Hospital During Democrat Retreat

AP Photo/Matt Rourke

According to his office, Sen. John Fetterman (D-Pa.) was hospitalized Wednesday night after feeling lightheaded during a Senate Democratic retreat.

“Towards the end of the Senate Democratic retreat today, Senator John Fetterman began feeling lightheaded. He left and called his staff, who picked him up and drove him to The George Washington University Hospital,” John Fetterman’s communications director, Joe Calvello, said in a statement. “Initial tests did not show evidence of a new stroke, but doctors are running more tests and John is remaining overnight for observation. He is in good spirits and talking with his staff and family. We will provide more information when we have it.”


Call me crazy, but maybe when you’re voting for a U.S. senator, choosing a stroke victim with serious cognitive problems is not the greatest idea. Sure, his office insists he did “not show evidence of a new stroke,” but you know what? I have some trust issues with the people surrounding John Fetterman. They repeatedly insisted he was improving after his stroke, then had the audacity to refuse to release his medical records and insist that a note from his Democrat-donating doctor was sufficient evidence to prove he was physically capable of serving.



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