
We Need to Stop the Trans Cult From Manipulating Children

(Bettina Strauss/The CW via AP)

According to a recent Gallup poll, less than 1% of Americans born before 1946 identify as LGBT, as do 2.6% of Boomers, 4.2% of Generation X, 10.5% of millennials, and 20.8% of Gen Z. “If we follow this trajectory, we will all be gay in 2054,” left-wing comedian Bill Maher observed. “I’m just saying that when things change this much, this fast, people are allowed to ask, what’s up with that?”

Gender dysphoria was almost unheard of only a few decades ago, and it was almost exclusively found in adult males. Today, more and more young people, especially young women, are rejecting their biological gender and identifying as transgender. To listen to the radical left, these transgender people have always been here, and it’s just that because society has become more accepting that more of them are comfortable “coming out.”

This is absolute hogwash.

As much as we’re seeing an explosion of people identifying as transgender, we’re also seeing an increase in people who are de-transitioning because they realized that they were not, in fact, transgender at all.

The transgender cult doesn’t want people to know about sex-change regret or people who de-transition.  The transgender lobby tries to hide the fact that sex-change regret is a real thing and even tries to stop people who feel regret from coming forward. We aren’t having a national conversation about transgender issues. Instead, we are being fed transgender ideology, and anyone who isn’t willing to deny science is called a bigot.

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But, we can’t let the truth about the dangerous transgender cult be swept under the rug. Transgender activists are manipulating young people into believing they were born in the wrong body, and convincing them that hormone injections and surgical mutilation will solve their problems. Fox News recently interviewed a 24-year-old woman who was manipulated by transgender activists to transition to be a “man” as a teenager and is now de-transitioning.

“One of the issues I have is the lack of identity,” Prisha Mosley explained. “And on top of not having a lot of friends and having issues at home, when I found the trans community and found a new identity and was affirmed… that’s what caused me to transition.”

Mosley says that her early transition was caused by preexisting mental health issues and the manipulation she experienced at the hands of her therapists and doctors. She claimed that even her parents had been duped into accepting the transition.

“I was manipulated not only by my trans peers, but by my gender specialist, the person who gave me my letter of recommendation in surgery. It was all sold as like a wonderful thing,” she explained. “It wasn’t like a medical condition that you needed to be treated that was sad or serious. It was like a fun thing, like you’re trans now and it’s celebrated and you’re wonderful and you’re a hero and all of that. And you know, that attention is what I was looking for.”

Does this sound normal to you — the ease and eagerness to push kids to irreversibly alter their bodies without any psychological intervention? This woman’s life has been ruined by the transgender cult, and she’s not the only one. We know that kids are being influenced by social media and online groups. We know that LGBTQ “allies” in schools are pushing kids toward transgenderism. We know that the entertainment industry is pushing the trans agenda as well. The explosion of transgender-identifying people is not natural, it’s man-made, and we have to put a stop to it.


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