BURN! Gov. Ron DeSantis Mocks Lockdown Liberals, Fauci at CPAC

AP Photo/John Raoux

Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis got a rock star welcome at CPAC 2022 and delivered a phenomenal speech, in which he mocked the left’s hypocrisy and their efforts to curtail liberty.


“Let me welcome you to the freest state in these United States,” DeSantis began. “We were lucky enough to have CPAC in 2021, and I’m happy to inform you in 2021, Florida set an all-time record for domestic tourism coming into our state. And those record numbers include a number of lockdown politicians who locked down their own people, restrict their own people, mandate — governors, mayors, big TV hosts — they criticize Florida, and the first chance they get, what did they do? They escaped to freedom in the state of Florida.”

As a New York resident who has been in Florida the past five days, I’ve thoroughly enjoyed the freedom of which DeSantis spoke. Of course, unlike the left, that doesn’t make me a hypocrite.

Related: Liberals and Conservatives Agree: Florida Leads in Liberty — and in Tourism

“And why do think these biggest critics and lock-downers come to Florida?” DeSantis asked. “Well, I think it’s simple: from the very beginning, we refused to let this state descend into some type of Faucian dystopia where people’s freedoms are curtailed and their livelihoods are destroyed. We protected people’s rights, we protected people’s jobs, we protected small businesses, and we made sure that every kid in the state of Florida had an opportunity to go to school in person five days a week.”


DeSantis added that Florida rejects the biomedical security state which, he pointed out, “erodes liberty, harms livelihoods, and divides our society.”

“And we not only reject it if it’s government,” he continued, “we have done things like ban vaccine passports and mandates, because it is simply unacceptable to subcontract out Fauci-ism to big companies. So we stood for freedom across the board and the result has been: Florida has defeated Fauci-ism.”

Amen to that! I’ve been loving every minute here in Florida. That sweet smell in the air is the smell of freedom and liberty, and DeSantis’s leadership is what made it happen.


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