Video Emerges of Trump's Son Smoking Crack. Just Kidding, It's Actually Joe Biden's Son

AP Photo/Brynn Anderson

While I’m sure there would be a ton of interest in a video of any of Trump’s kids smoking crack, no such video exists. But I can show you a video of Hunter Biden, the son of Joe Biden, smoking crack. It’s been circulating on social media for days now–and yet, strangely, it isn’t a huge news story.


Hunter can be heard talking to his sister-in-law Hallie, who was married to his late brother Beau. After Beau’s death, Hunter and Hallie had a short-lived affair–or maybe it was a relationship. Whatever you want to call it.

Hunter’s drug use is, of course, no secret. He was addicted to crack cocaine and discusses it at length in his memoir, in which he even recalls that when he was so desperate for more crack to smoke he used to search through the carpet to find traces of the drug before coming up with Parmesan cheese, which he smoked instead.

“It didn’t matter: I smoked it. If it was crack, great. If it wasn’t, I’d take a hit, exhale, and exclaim, ‘S—, that’s not it – that’s the f—— cheese!’” he wrote. “Again, the crack crumbs were often indistinguishable from the spilled snacks. Safe to say I’ve smoked more cheddar popcorn than anybody on the face of the earth.”


Imagine if there was a video out there of one of Trump’s kids smoking crack, or doing any one thing Hunter’s been accused of. It would be all over the place, covered endlessly by the media. But whether it’s a cushy job at a Ukrainian energy company or a shady art exhibit, the media can’t seem to find the time to talk about Joe Biden’s son—the man Joe said was the “smartest guy” he knows.

Related: BOMBSHELL: Joe Biden Used a Private Email Account to Send Hunter Government Documents


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