Kamala's CYA Memorial Day Weekend Tweet Is Too Little Too Late

AP Photo/Manuel Balce Ceneta

On Saturday, Kamala Harris got raked over the coals for her ridiculously tone-deaf and offensive tweet about Memorial Day Weekend, in which she posted a photo of herself with the message “Enjoy the long weekend.”


It was a sad, yet honest moment about just what Democrats like her really think about those who paid the ultimate sacrifice defending our country.

The tweet remains up. I suppose her handlers figure deleting it would just be a concession about how awful it really was, and instead, chose to follow up the tweet with a more appropriate one.

“Throughout our history our service men [sic] and women have risked everything to defend our freedoms and our country,” her new Memorial Day tweet reads. “As we prepare to honor them on Memorial Day, we remember their service and their sacrifice.”

Oh, well, forgive and forget, right? Are we really supposed to ignore the fact that Kamala clearly doesn’t see Memorial Day as anything more than a long weekend—a barbecue holiday? Sorry, but no follow up tweets written by a staffer can make up for that.

Remember how we were told that by electing Joe Biden and Kamala Harris it would restore dignity to the office? Well, where is that dignity? Can’t we see some of it? Any of it?


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