Biden Accidentally Calls Himself Despicable For Using Word ‘Lynching’ 21 Years Ago

(Screenshot via Twitter)

After Trump’s tweet Tuesday morning where he described the secret partisan impeachment hearings as “a lynching” many in the media and on the left piled on, calling him a racist, race-baiter, etc. etc. Joe Biden even chimed in with the following tweet:


Biden wasn’t the only 2020 Democrat who weighed in.

Cory Booker tweeted, “Lynching is an act of terror used to uphold white supremacy. Try again.”

Julián Castro tweeted, “It’s beyond shameful to use the word “lynching” to describe being held accountable for your actions.”

Kamala Harris tweeted, “Lynching is a reprehensible stain on this nation’s history, as is this President. We’ll never erase the pain and trauma of lynching, and to invoke that torture to whitewash your own corruption is disgraceful.”

Elizabeth Warren tweeted, “Lynching is a horrific stain on our country’s history, and it is beyond disgraceful for Donald Trump to invoke one to avoid being held accountable for his crimes.”

Here’s the problem with all of their rhetoric:  Back in 1998, Joe Biden used the exact same word to describe the potential impeachment of Bill Clinton, saying, “Even if the President should be impeached, history is going to question whether or not this was just a partisan lynching…”


Wow, that’s embarrassing. Maybe Joe Biden should have remembered his past rhetoric on impeachment before chiming in, and everyone else should have done some research. Will Booker criticize Biden’s use of the word lynching, or imply he’s a white supremacist? Probably not. Earlier this month, Booker argued that criticizing Joe’s potential quid pro quo with Ukraine was off-limits, ” If you come after Joe Biden, you’re going to have to deal with me,” he said. Will Castro call Biden “shameful?” Yeah right.

Perhaps now everyone can finally admit that there was nothing wrong with Trump’s using the word “lynching,” because otherwise, Joe Biden must be shameful, racist, white supremacist!


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